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Long War 2 Patch 1.3 Notes (Unreleased)
This is a running list which we'll keep updated as we get things fixed. The numbers after some items are references to internal changelists and nothing anybody should worry about. Remember asking about release dates means dead rookies!
We're planning to focus more on balancing and gameplay changes in this patch. Among the things we will be focusing on incentivizing using mid-sized squads more often, in part by reigning in the relative utility of tiny and huge squads in some situations.
- Fix a bug causing newly-hired units to rapidly level up, especially mid/late game black market purchases.
- Fix base game bug with PCS items disappearing from soldiers.
- Fix bug causing Invasion missions to sometimes be considered a failure if the spike is destroyed after all aliens are defeated. 2160
- Add faceless base loot (corpse) to the faceless civilian & rebel character templates. Ensures they still drop a corpse if you manage to kill them before they transform. 2177
- Full Override Permanent now does not break MindControl on source unit death or leaving play (e.g. evaccing). Added a listener to the TransferMec effect that breaks MindControl when the only remaining units are mind-controlled units that cannot evac. 2158
- Alerted units will now be alerted to the location where explosives detonated instead of the location of the unit that threw/launched/placed them.
- Berserkers should no longer attack friendly units while in yellow alert on datatap missions. They may still target friendlies after being enraged. 2174
- Fall back effect (used by Flush, Roust and Fall Back) will no longer trigger on stunned units
- Dead/Captured Psi units will not show eligible for Psi level up
- Port fix to allow mod-added menu items to respond to keyboard activation. Courtesy of robojumper and the Community Highlander project.
- Fix keyboard navigation order issue in the armory with mod-added entries (AWC, Officer abilities) being skipped over. Allow <enter> to fire the on clicked delegate for mod-added armory buttons.
- Attempted fix for case where liberation object chain would not advance when liberation 2 was completed. Add a backup TriggerEvent for 'LiberateStage2Complete' when the network tower trigger occurs. 2163
- Adding Smash n Grab mission and associated activity. This mission will show up fairly often, including from campaign start. XCOM starts out revealed at a fixed evac point. At a nearby ADVENT structure is between 4-6 loot boxes that contain supplies, elerium dust, alien alloys, an elerium core or a datapad. Loot will scale up over the course of a campaign. A soldier may carry loot from only one box. The mission uses a "soft" timer of steadily increasing reinforcements after a turn threshold is reached. Mission can occur in city, smalltown and wilderness areas.
Gameplay / Balancing
- Game will no longer reserve a rebel at home when choosing the squad for rendezvous. 2166
- Engineer advisers will now appear on resistance Supply Convoy missions, and Scientist advisers on Intel Raid missions in addition to retaliations. Soldiers will continue to appear on all raid types and retaliations. 2151
2182 (changes still in test)
2195 (changes still in test)
- Allow changing equipment/PCS/upgrades on haven advisers as long as the adviser is eligible to be moved (i.e. there is no active retaliation in the region).
- Added trigger event to SwitchActiveRow (moddability improvement). 2164
- Added TriggerEvent for clicking on a SquadSelect_ListItem. For modding support. 2161
Known issues we're working on
- The new mission brief window in the Geoscape doesn't show an update evac timer when you boost until you back out and re-enter the mission brief screen.
- We are still looking into why multiple instances of DLC POIs and missions appear. Please let us know what you are seeing in the thread on this issue in bug reports.
- Reported issue with DE's completing before the mission to stop them expires