We now on XenForo 2.3! Testing on the way!

Ожидаете ли вы выход новой части Героев?

  • Жду с нетерпением, слежу за всеми новостями!

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • Конечно жду, но особой надежды нету.

    Votes: 19 38.8%
  • После провальной Might and Magic: Heroes 6 не жду ничего особенного..

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • После Героев 3 ничего стоящего так и не вышло...

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • Не увлекаюсь серией игр про Героев.

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
Цена - не единственный недостаток новых героев, он не является определяющим, но и вычёркивать этот аспект из списка недостатков тоже не совсем справедливо)[/QUOTE]
Тут я согласен, я просто имел ввиду то, что не надо ставить на игре крест из-за цены и багов, которые я уверен исправят, хотя баги у меня были только в сетевой игре...
  • Мне нравится
Reactions: Alukard and Gonanda
Перлы пожеланий\описаний игры в её теперешнем состоянии:
  • Мне нравится
Reactions: VekSeS
LeGioN, "ихнюю"? за вами уже выехали.
Да, версия игры стала 1.2.32489 и вот список того, что исправлено:
Campaign & Walkthrough. General
[Fixed] The AI heroes may remain stuck in front of their town blocking the human player from attacking the town or the heroes. This could happen on various maps/locations and should be fixed.
[Fixed] Solving two quests at once will not block the quest flow anymore. This lead to various potential blockers, especially on Necropolis 2.

Academy 2
[Fixed] An issue that the player can't complete the map, after choosing the "fight again" option at the Jadwa encounter.
[Fixed] An issue with enemy AI hiding in the sanctuary.

Academy 3
[Fixed] A potential blocker related to secondary heroes (aka not Hisham) being used for the final fight.
[Fixed] If a secondary hero picks up the "Flower of Dolor" the map can be bugged.
[Fixed] The Tear of Asha is not placed at the exact spot indicated by the Treasure Map

Academy 4
[Fixed] If a secondary hero picks up the "Flower of Dolor" the map can be bugged.

Dungeon 4
[Fixed] Light effect changes abruptly if the player navigates through the surface area using arrow keys

Haven 2
[Fixed] Loading a saved game made after Tomas is trapped by Gloria on Haven Map 2 will trigger an infinite auto End Turn.

Haven 3
[Fixed] Konrad could win the fight with Serguei Griffin which was not intended.
[Fixed] There should now be a quest marker for the last step in Soul Quest quest.
[Fixed] There should now be quest markers for the State of Siege quest.
[Improvements] Camera should now be focused on projectiles from triggered catapults.
[Improvements] The narration should now play until the end when you find Biliashi.
[Improvements] The mines now become Neutral when you block those using catapults.

Necropolis 2
[Fixed] Final cinematic will not trigger if the user defeats the rebel AI before finishing the other objective.

Necropolis 5
[Fixed] Samaariih castle cannot be accessed

Sylvan 1
[Fixed] An issue leading to the player being unable to enter a new ship after loading a save game.

Sylvan 3
[Fixed] An issue related to the player being unable to board the ship manufactured in the shipyard on the spawning island.
[Fixed] Player is unable to board the ship manufactured in the shipyard on the spawning island

Final 1
[Fixed] A crash when restarting fight against Vayaron on Final Map 1 (general crash fix for some misbehaving buffs).
[Fixed] The boat offered by Lasir resets after a Save/Load is performed

Final 2
[Fixed] Catapults had a problem where they would only shoot once instead of twice as was intended. Now all 4 catapults can shoot twice.
[Improvement] The player is now informed of the available reinforcements that Andras receives after finishing the "Raven Wings" quest.

Skirmish/Scenario Maps
[Fixed] issue related to the victory conditions on Yeshtar´s Promise
[Fixed] FPS drop and constant freezes during combat after several gameplay hours on Bloodpact
[Fixed] Some maps are showing Day 1 twice on the second day
[Fixed] The player is unable to finish the map as the Sweristal and Nawal castles cannot be captured on certain circumstances on Dungeons and Minions
[Fixed] Major FPS drop (13 FPS) after at least 4-5 hours of gameplay on a hero with level 19 and massive army on Bloodpact
[Fixed] Ice Demons map has the standard Skirmish Quest active

AI specific
[Improvement] AI turns have again had their speed increased exponentially. Under the fog of war the AI will act even faster.
[Improvement] AI will now give a higher threat value to ranged units, as well as having a 'tighter' threat evaluation within combat maps when addressing what to attack. Working on this is an ongoing task and will be further improved in the future.
[Improvement] Calculations for what damaging moves to use have also been improved. As an example if an enemy unit stack is low in numbers or has low health the AI will no longer use its most powerful spell to kill it, but instead work out what is the most cost efficient spell to do get the job done.
[Improvement] Optimised AI thinking times on Adventure map, which are now near-instant. NOTE: AI interactions with forts still take up to three extra seconds due to the fort destruction/repair animations.
[Fixed] An issue/crash related to uninitialized armies performing checks for the pathfinding.
[Fixed] An issue related to AI calculations for reachability which could result in a crash.
[Fixed] A rare crash when interacting with a high-level town.
[Fixed] A crash during AI turn after a ship combat had been lost.
[Fixed] A rare crash with targeting spells outside the grid.
[Fixed] A crash with AI town threat sorting.
[Fixed] Weird movement (bridges/obstacles) and positioning of AI controlled combatants.
[Fixed] AI skipping its turn when its first hero is in a shelter.
[Fixed] Title crashes when the AI defeats one of the human players while allied with another human player

Load/Save, Skills, Abilities, Various
[Improvement] Added option to disable color coding of models in skirmishes.
[Fixed] various issues regarding keybinding displays.
[Improvement] Removed debug text from the Game Log.
[Fixed] Caravans that could not be unloaded now properly show up in the Caravanserai.
[Fixed] Quest objective counters are always localized correctly, even when loading a savegame from a different language.
[Improvement] The Tear of Asha can now be retrieved from the precise cell as well as its neighbours.
[Fixed] Masfar recovers 10 movement points after every manual combat if he has the Stables Buff on Academy 2.
[Fixed] After using a teleport scroll, the teleport spell will still appear in the spellbook with 0 Mana and can be cast again every battle.
[Improved] Sounds for creature animations are sometimes interrupted by another action. Issue relates to multiple bugs relating to death and move sounds that are not played until the end, as they get interrupted by other actions in queue.
[Fixed] [AdventureMap] Messages will appear on the screen if the Hero will interact with his caravan on the adventure map
[Fixed] [AdventureMap] Unreachable Neutral Army is present on the map Savage Sea.
[Fixed] [Adventure Map] Unreachable cartographer is present in the map Savage Sea
[Fixed] [Load/Save] Ships sometimes lose their ownership flag after loading the savegame.
[Fixed] [Load/Save] Autosave handling changed to the end of a turn.
[Fixed] [Save/Load] The user must rebuild the Thieves Guild building of the Haven faction every time he loads a game.
[Fixed] [Save/Load][Menu] The user is unable to load a multiplayer save game and create a new lobby while in a Duel session
[Fixed] [Voice/Dialog] Voice overs for the campaign story line are missing when the council table is selected
[Fixed] [Skills/Abilities] Ultimate abilities are not saved as learned.
[Fixed] [Skills/Abilities] Magic increasing skills like Gathering Storm or the Wisdom skill for the schools of magic are triggered incorrectly.
[Fixed] [Skills/Abilities] Elrath's Conviction buff will not increase stats after fight again/restart combat.
[Fixed] [Skills/Abilities] Silverback's Feral Charge ability can be targeted on an empty grid square.
[Fixed] [Skills/Abilities] The Indomitable skill does not work against Face of Fear and Mesmerize.
[Fixed] [Skills/Abilities] The initiative bar does not update if the warfare unit has "Artillery" skill learned.
[Fixed] [Skills/Abilities] The Shantiri Titan's 'Rooting' ability has no effect.
[Fixed] [Skills/abilities] Ranged units will always use Defend when a creature is near them.
[Fixed] [Skills/Abilities]Tanis can cast Tsunami multiple times in the same combat rounds
[Fixed] [Combat] [Skill] Clarity skill doesn't provide an extra action after casting a prime magic spell.
[Fixed] [Combat] [Skill] Bursting Rage ability triggers when the creature dies.
[Fixed] [Combat] Celestial's resurrection ability will not revive dead creatures
[Fixed] 'Cleave' ability makes 'Strike and return' ability buggy.
[Fixed] [Combat] The harpies return too fast to their initial position when using Strike and Return.
[Fixed] [Combat] Attacking with the Harpy/Fury unit will make the selected tile to remain active after Strike and Return ability activates.
[Fixed] [Combat]The death animation for the Gargoyles and Obsidian Gargoyles takes place after the attacking creature's turn ends.
[Fixed] [Combat] Gold Dragon's Aura of Purity will not protect the creature against negative magic effects.
[Fixed] [Combat] Feral Charge suppresses Opportunity Retaliation.
[Fixed] [Combat] No kill notification when attacking a warfare unit.
[Fixed] [Combat] The Emerald Dragon's Acid Breath (buff) ability does not work as intended.
[Fixed] [Combat] The movement is not updated if the last creature of a round is also the first creature of the next round.
[Fixed] [Combat] Mephitic Scent: when killing a creature with this ability the creature gets an extra turn under certain conditions.
[Fixed] [Combat] Moving with "Shrouded" Creatures (Shroud of Malassa) has targeting issues.
[Fixed] [Skills/Abilities] Gust of Wind cannot target friendly creatures.
[Fixed] [AdventureMap] The "Champion Guard Tower" will appear on other factions.
[Fixed] [AdventureMap] Dragon Vein effect gets consumed even if the visiting hero has full mana.
[Fixed] Metamagic rank increase is not working in certain situations.
[Fixed] [Combat] Lightning reflexes on the creature Fury does not work correctly.
[Fixed] [Global][Skills] Player's skillpoint gets utilised on unlocked skills after performing certain steps.
[Fixed] [Menu] Gameplay speed will be reset when transferring control to another Hero during campaign
[Fixed] The Centaur Marauder attack animation doesn't fit with the shot projectile.
[Fixed] [Menu] Combat Speed settings will not be applied in game under certain circumstances.
[Fixed] [Menu] "Occupied Slots Count" will not update correctly in certain conditions
[Fixed] [Audio]SFX is not present while selecting Artwork in Heropedia.
[Fixed] The lighthouse lose its controller at end of week.
[Fixed] During Week of Magicians, artefacts cannot be bought if the player has only just enough gold to match the discounted price.
[Fixed] Metamagic ability: Arcane Channelling works only for one combat.
[Fixed] AdventureMap] Trading with heroes on ships is difficult due to small interaction area.
[Fixed] [AdventureMap]Heroes in boats can interact only by clicking in a certain spot.
[Fixed] [AdventureMap] Heroes cannot attack enemy ships from land
[Fixed] [Townscreen] Certain Structures / Buildings cannot be constructed if Ranged creature dwellings are upgraded first before melee ones
[Fixed] [GFX] Flying units twirl while moving
[Fixed] [GFX] Smoke produced when destroying walls is flickering
[Fixed] [LD/LA] Orange smoke is present after viewing the map at a certain angle
[Fixed] [Text] Build version number displayed on screen during the credits roll

Multiplayer Specific
[Fixed] various Out of Sync issues so they will not occur as often anymore. However there are still some scenarios were an Out of Sync may occur and providing us game logs for this issue is a massive help. As a side note if you do Out of Sync in a multiplayer match the save data will not be corrupt therefore you can re make the game and carry on where you left off for a quick work around.
[Fixed] a bug related to joining a game lobby.
[Fixed] several out of sync issues in Multiplayer Games.
when interacting with a Dangerous Cave in sim turns.
when attacking an Enemy in Combat that has 3 Nature's Revenge stacks with a ranged unit.
when attacking a small creature Stack with a Basilisk Lancer in combat.
when a unit with a cover bonus is getting attacked by ranged in combat.
[Fixed] corrupted Camera at the beginning of a Multiplayer Duel Session.
[Fixed] an issue where the game got stuck in multiplayer in the AIs turn sometimes.
[Fixed] an issue where the game goes out of sync during th AIs turn sometimes.
[Fixed] [Normal Turn] Host gets a week popup notification screen at the start of the match in any map which he cannot cancel if the match is played in Normal turn setting
[Fixed] Team chat option does not exist
[Fixed] [Online/LAN] The damage dealt logs during the masked combat are visible on the spectator screen when the game is switched to Window mode
Duel mode:
[Fixed] Option to change combat speed is not available in duel lobby
[Fixed] The user can see through the map before the tactics phase

[Fixed] Issues with the tooltips in the quickbar fixed
[Improvement] several GUI situations which lead to potential memory issues
[Fixed] Fixed right-click not working in main menu
[Fixed] Minimap: Icons are now properly scaled
[Fixed] Minimap: Resolved several issues with ships
[Fixed] Minimap: Heroes are now always the highest icons
[Fixed] The Governor Tooltip now has proper layout
[Fixed] Text Buttons no longer have pixels where they don't react
[Fixed] Fixed various lobby settings and displays

Additional GUI/HUD fixes
[Fixed] [HUD] Title crashes after spamming two keybindings "A" with "H".
[Fixed] [HUD] The catapult repair panel overlaps the dialogue between Andras and Kente on Final Map 2.
[Fixed] [HUD] Multiple issues present when trying to recruit creatures from Kuwananjaa, on Stronghold 3.
[Fixed] [HUD] Misspelled word in the description of Soulkey Shard fragment.
[Fixed] [HUD] No units are visible in the "unload caravans" screen.
[Fixed] [HUD] There is a debug text %stat1 %stat1.icon present on the Scroll of Frenzy description.
[Fixed] [HUD] The user is able to open the skillwheel for a Hero that was defeated by clicking the level up notification.
[Fixed] [HUD] The 'Merge Armies' window is not affected by the timer.
[Fixed] [HUD] The Creature portrait contour is smaller for the standard units, in the town recruitment menu.
[Fixed] [HUD] The auto combat prompt disappears each time the enemy makes a move.
[Fixed] [HUD] The players that are on closed slots appear in the Thieves Guild screen.
[Fixed] [HUD][Lobby] The Adventure Map Timer is functional on skirmish against AI.
[Fixed] [Menu] Kick button is present in the Duel Hotseat lobby.
[Fixed] [HUD][Lobby] Spectator Mode option is available for the client in the Multiplayer Lobby.
[Fixed] [HUD] Heropedia page access button is missing for warfare units in Duel Setup lobby.
[Fixed] [HUD] Several Spell Scrolls provided by the Academy custom lg Inscriber will have an inconsistency in regards to prices.
[Fixed] [HUD] Town governor tooltip text is too small.
[Fixed] [HUD] Sylvan and Academy faction logos appear to have low resolution when viewed from the hero screen.
[Fixed] [HUD] Sending a spy on a "Sabotage" action does not trigger any notification. (it´s a sneaky spy…).
[Fixed] [HUD] The user can multiply artefacts during a trade between heroes in certain conditions.
[Fixed] [HUD] The teleporter icons on the minimap are too big and have a stretched appearance.
[Fixed] [HUD] Debug text "mName" is present for Anastasya in the game log of Necropolis 1.
[Fixed] [HUD] Blank hero portrait appears when attacking the Sylvan town on Sylvan 4.
[Fixed] [HUD] Host setting options are not greyed out for the client who joins a duel session.
[Fixed] [MENU] Trailer is playing twice when the user double clicks on 'Trailer' option from Extras.
[Fixed] [HUD] "Level up" is not properly visible on the combat victory/defeat pop up.
[Fixed] [HUD] No tooltip information is displayed when the player hovers the mouse over to the hero in the ship (enemy or allied).
[Fixed] [HUD] Incorrect mouse pointer observed in the options menu during combat.
[Fixed] [HUD] The player is unable to open several menus after visiting a Den of Thieves.
[Fixed] [HUD] On Timber Wars map, the minimap misses some icons in the first turn + wrong order
[Fixed] [HUD] The description of the 'Soul Reaver' ability contains a spelling mistake.
[Fixed] [HUD] Incorrect spelling in the tooltip of the word, 'Border' present in the Options menu.
[Fixed] GUI - Minimap: All elements can be toggled off, but garrisons.
[Fixed] [HUD] Treasure Hunt map is visible when invoked IGM under certain conditions.
[Fixed] [HUD] Inconsistency present between the griffin portrait and the dwelling's icon
[Fixed] [HUD] The player loses creatures when trying to split a stack from his army and inventory with the receive unit panel open.
[Fixed] [HUD] The player cannot interact with the Adventure Map / Combat map in the upper left corner of the screen because of the Game Log layer (chat-improvements).
[Fixed] [HUD] Every time End Turn is used, chat window is reset for all users in a multiplayer session.
[Fixed] [HUD] There is an inconsistency between the creatures portraits and the images on the buildings in the Town Hall
[Fixed] [Menu] A numeric value appears when assigning a shortcut to a navigation key
[Fixed] [Menu] The "Continue" button persists on the mission select menu after using the Reset Campaign option.
[Fixed] [HUD] The Text "No game matching the selected criteria" can be seen overlapping with the load icon on Lan and Online Game Browser.
[Fixed] [Heropedia][HUD] Neutral Faction are available for Heroes in Heropedia.
[Fixed] [HUD] Incorrect Adventure Timer is present between 0.01 to 0.09 and 1.01 to 1.09
[Fixed] [HUD] Notification with debug text is observed on accessing settings icon on the combat loading screen (spectator hud) on all the clients PC.
[Fixed] [HUD] Wrong Hotkeys depiction for navigation buttons on town screen.
[Fixed] [HUD] Loading icon overlaps with text "No image" when the list of maps is loading, while creating a new multiplayer session.
[Fixed] [HUD] "Esc" key loses functionality in the Heropedia menu if said menu is accessed from Multiplayer lobby.
[Fixed] [Menu] The user cannot quit from the Hero Selection Screen when accessed from Multiplayer lobby by pressing the ESC key.
[Fixed] [HUD] Skill wheel is accessible from the town screen.
[Fixed] [HUD] Toggling off all mini map options will still display some icons on the mini map.
[Fixed] [HUD] In the townhall, on hovering a dwelling the info button should appear like in the recruit menu.
[Fixed] [GUI] Pop-Ups for Repairing Bridges, Flavor Texts, Story Texts should be consistent with the latest design.
[Fixed] [Menu] The user receives no conflict window popup when assigning actions to the navigational keys.
[Fixed] [Menu] The World map mission highlights do not change when selecting a different hero portrait.
[Fixed] [Menu] Game menu buttons cannot be pressed if the player presses the button in a certain area.
[Fixed] [Menu] The Hero select screen will not provide complete information for the user.
[Fixed] [GUI] Artefact slots are placed differently on hero screen and artefact merchant GUIs
[Fixed] [HUD] Every time End Turn is used, chat window is reset for all users in a multiplayer session.
[Fixed] [HUD] Notifications are not dismissed when using right click.
[Fixed] [HUD] Treasure Hunt map is visible under certain conditions when opening in game menu.

[Improvement] Added more sanity checks to inform about errors during map creation
[Improvement] The Mysterious Crypt Building now has the option to spawn a fixed artefact, instead of a randomly chosen one
[Fixed] several Custom Artefact Bonuses: Increase certain hero stat, Scouting Range, Mana per Day, Spirit, Magic, Increase Magic for spells of certain school, Decrease Mana costs of spells of certain school, Increase friendly creatures' stat, Health, Initiative, Decrease enemy creatures' stat, Initiative
[Improvement] Added "Test Map" button for faster map testing
[Improvement] Renamed "Towns, Forts and Dwellings" tab to "Player Buildings" and moved Mines, Garrison and Light House from "Neutral Buildings" to "Player Buildings"
[Improvement] Improved pathing for the RMG
[Improvement] Added free resource pick-ups (Richness modified) in the RMG
[Improvement] Script Editor: Moved Start Text/Dialogue from NCP Scenes to Quests and Events tabs, as features requiring GUI do not work during scripted scenes, where GUI is hidden
[Improvement] Painting: Separated Tool selection and Brush settings of Terrain and Elevation tab
[Fixed] [Editor] “Play In Editor” feature is unavailable in the Default Editor
[Fixed] [Editor] A debug-text is shown on the Defeat/Victory screen after finishing a map
[Fixed] [Editor] Changing the name of a Hero in Hero Tool will delete the character
[Fixed] [Editor] Debug output present in most Hero Specialisations and Skills tooltips
[Fixed] [Editor] Debug Text present for the "Change Town AI Settings" Action
[Fixed] [Editor] Deleted Blackfang Watchtowers can still be selected in Blackfang Hideout's properties
[Fixed] [Editor] Editor does not reset the function performed by pressing 'T' key after reboot
[Fixed] [Editor] Garrisons using the same neutral army template can be walked through
[Fixed] [Editor] Player is able to delete landscape in the default editor.
[Fixed] [Editor] Scrolling with mouse scroll wheel is not functional in Terrain Painting
[Fixed] [Editor] Several invalid win/lose conditions can be created
[Fixed] [Editor] The editor will freeze when saving or loading a map in certain conditions
[Fixed] [Editor] The Garrison Army of a Fort or Garrison cannot be properly selected
[Fixed] [Editor] The Help and Modding Documentation components are outdated
[Fixed] [Editor] The Publish Map feature is not working
[Fixed] [Editor] The Random Map Generator creates functionally impassable zones on complex maps
[Fixed] [Editor] The Terrain Painting and the Height Sculpting tools interact incorrectly with each other
[Fixed] [Editor] The user does not receive any feedback when attempting to save an incomplete map
[Fixed] [Editor] Title crashes when trying to play an empty new created map
[Fixed] [Editor] When modifying spirit value in the editor, Heroes may start without full mana points

[Fixed] [LOC][EFIGS][POL][CZE][RUS] A subtitle is displayed truncated in the 5th Council cinematic.
[Fixed] [LOC][EFIGS][POL][CZE][RUS] Two subtitles are not displayed in the 5th Council cinematic.
[Fixed] [LOC][RO][HUD] Misspelled word in the Quest Log for Romanian localization
[Fixed] [LOC][ALL] The description of the Scroll of Weakness is not translated in any localization
[Fixed] [LOC][ALL][Single Player][Yeshtar's Promise Story text gets skipped upon completing the main objective of the scenario.[/*]
[Fixed] [LOC][SCN] Unexpected space in texts! (*imagine epic drum roll here*)
[Fixed] [LOC][ALL][Any Campaign The label for starting a fresh campaign after a reset is still displaying the term "Continue" where it should display "Start".[/*]
[Fixed] [LOC][LOC][ALL][Great Lich's SetArtifacts belonging to the "Great Lich's Set" have an extra dot present after "Four objects"[/*]
[Fixed] [LOC][SPA][Single Scenario] One of the options has its last letter truncated.
[Fixed] [LOC][ALL][Town's] Overlap when you get the tooltip of a long town's name.
[Fixed] [LOC][ALL] When you right click on a city's governor, you will see a text issue.
[Fixed] [LOC][POL][Cinematic A subtitle is displayed truncated in the Council cinematic upon finishing the Academy campaign.[/*]
[Fixed] [LOC][FRE][Academy_Map3][Tootip] The mechanics used for concatenating creature’s amount and names is not working for both singular and plural forms.
[Fixed] [LOC][POL][Single Player][Yeshtar's Promise] Missing icon and value variables can be observed for Shifting Boots.
[Fixed] [LOC][LOC][ALL][Flotsam][Resources] "Flotsam" shows a wrong description (concretely the one for "campfire").
[Fixed] [LOC][FRE][Keybindings][Chat] Several keys from the French keyboard type/bind the wrong character due to AZERTY configuration.
[Fixed] [LOC][EFIGS][RUS][POL][CZE][Heropedia] The Maneuver ability is displayed twice for the Centaur Marauder.
[Fixed] [LOC][EFIGS][POL][RUS][CZE][BRA][Level Up][Victory Menu] Two lines overlap each other when simultaneously leveling up and gaining treasure.
[Fixed] [LOC][EFIGS][POL][RUS][CZE][Spellbook][Text overlap] The spell description is overlapped by the Spellbook icon.
[Fixed] [LOC][ALL][Magic Menagerie][Recruitment][Text Overlap] Mousing over boxes or creatures in the Magic Menagerie, sometimes the tooltips get overlapped with the resource bar
[Fixed] [LOC][ALL][Single Player][Ice Demons][Text Display Issue][Line ID 15061] Story text box is being skipped upon conquering Ledgorod
В общем, просто пофиксили кучу багов.
DemonSD, я бы поспорил, что только баги. Оптимизировали игру, судя по отзывам. Теперь она в разы быстрее и в плане загрузки и в плане ходов ИИ. Наверняка читал список изменений. Там много всего помимо исправленных багов.
Теперь она в разы быстрее и в плане загрузки и в плане ходов ИИ.
Не придал этому особого значения, т.к. у меня этой проблемы не было. Ну разве что ИИ ходил не так быстро как в других частях, но всё равно достаточно комфортно. Если проблема была массовая, то рад за товарищей - смогут наконец поиграть.
Кампанию играть даж не пробовал. Начитавшись отзывов, решил не убивать впечатление о игре полностью

Геймплей, судя по чейнджлогу, никак не улучшили: бесконенчно тупой ИИ, баланс, стоимость артов и т.д. и т.п. Буду ждать след патча.
[DOUBLEPOST=1444853252][/DOUBLEPOST]Ах, да. Ну и народ на оф.форуме ноет, что половина багов так на плаву и осталась...
Откопал на оффоруме, что якобы Nival предлагал свои концепции по разработке Heroes VII и вот это один из ранних концепт-предложений Nival:
  • Мне нравится
Reactions: DemonSD
Слабо верится, зачем nival'у этот головняк с героями, если они давно уже успешно пилят вскую онлайн хрень и не жалуются.
А отношении убисофт к серии мы вроде наблюдаем и наблюдали и раньше, на сайте вон до сих пор нет описаний юнитов поддержки, а ведь так по ощущениям на этот голимый пеар - в духе сообщество голосует и помогает делать героев они пол бюджета потратили.
Ну и картинка не ахти и не геройская , нивал сделавший 5ю часть на полном серьезе предложил замутить браузерку?
А как по мне, так картинка шикарная.
DemonSD, так и я про это же! Очень отличный арт! Тем более, что это концепция, не скриншот из игры. Не окончательный вариант. Это мне и понравилось! По-моему, красота!
  • Мне нравится
Reactions: DemonSD
Никогда не нравилось, когда разрабы делали попытки добавить реалистичности в фэнтезийную игру. Может, потому что пока у них это ни разу не получилось. С этой "реалистичностью" обычно все становится мелкое, серое и блеклое. А лично у меня, серия героев всегда с чем-то ярким и волшебным ассоциировалась.
  • Мне нравится
Reactions: Alukard
Ну, чё. молодцы всё-таки. Латают:
Patch 1.2.1 available
Hello Heroes,

Following the release of our first support patch last Wednesday, we are pleased to announce a small hotfix for MMH7. This new update will be titled 1.2.1 on the menu screen, so ensure you have the latest update by checking this. The hotfix is focused on performance issues and related to a save corruption.

It had been reported that after several hours of gameplay, after saving and loading multiple times, players would experience extensive load times and several RAM consumption problems. This issue was due to an exponential data increment in the save files from the Magic Guild building.

The team is currently working on a 1.3 patch for the upcoming weeks and we will keep you updated on progress as soon as possible.

The M&M Team.

Might & Magic Heroes VII - Update 1.2.1
Date: October 20th, 2015
Version: 1.2.1 (rev Rev 32623)

[Fixed] A memory issue related to the Mages Guild in regards to saving and loading multiple times.

In the meantime, we highly recommend you – especially Windows 10 users – to ensure your video card drivers are up to date. It has been reported by several users that performance improvements were experienced after update of those ones.

Latest drivers available on: Nvidia Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers / AMD Download Drivers
Главное, что программа исправлений у них есть. Будет очень хорошо, если они до новогодней распродажи подлатают достаточно сильно игру. В этом случае, можно будет её купить со скидкой.
Меч и Магия Герои VII – Обновление 1.3
Дата: 27 Октября 2015 года
Версия 1.3 (rev. 32698)

  • [Fixed] Minimap quest marker sometimes not disappearing after solving a quest
  • [Improved] Performance on combat map by optimizing GUI and adventure map processes
  • [Improved] Icon and stack size of Shadow Image and Summon Spells creatures are now displayed correctly
  • [Improved] Memory usage by not loading unneccessary town screen textures and various icons
  • [Improved] Updated hints during loading screens to fit with current functionalities
  • [Fixed] Several issues where the game goes out of sync during AIs turn
  • [Fixed] A crash for multiplayer when flee was used in combat
  • [Fixed] Game getting stuck in sim turns when attacking an army without units
  • [Improved] Increased celestial resurrection ability effect 50 ->250
  • [Improved] Increased base neutral growth rate 20% -> 30%
  • [Improved] Sylvan Ranger class now has Grandmaster Destiny
Level Design:

Academy 2

  • [Improved] Lyla will now be selected when she teleports on the last platform in the Spirit World
  • [Fixed] An issue that enabled the player after loading a savegame to walk through the rock into the other area and bug the flow of the Quest
Academy 3
  • [Fixed] An issue after save/load in Academy map 3, where the camera was pointing to the wrong place after defeating the Possessed Titan
  • [Fixed] An issue in Academy map 3 with one army having a value of 0xp
  • [Fixed] A problem where the enemies could not attack the town if the player was standing in front of the town
Academy 4
  • [Improved] Removed the item Malathua's Cleaver at the beginning of the map since the player has no use for it
  • [Improved] Changed the end map logic cause it was triggering the same event twice and could cause potential issues
  • [Fixed] Modified the last cutscene so any hero, not only Fahada, can trigger it. This could cause blockers
  • [Fixed] A blocker where the map was only considered as won if Qasim was defeated by Fahada. So if the player defeated him with a hired hero, the map couldn't be completed.
Haven 2
  • [Fixed] A general issue was fixed that enabled the player after loading a savegame to pass the garrison before fulfilling the "Take all troops from Ymoril"-Objective and therefore bug the Questflow
  • [Fixed] The Armies in front of the Forts are now garrisoned in the Fort
  • [Fixed] An area that was showing open on the minimap during the first Dialog is now closed
  • [Improved] Defenders of Hammerfall and House Materia will now end their turns faster
Haven 4
  • [Fixed] An issue with object manipulators in Haven map 4. In this map, on the Shantiri hill, where they looked like Banners and had the wrong Loca
  • [Fixed] A problem with one of the shipyards not being able to spawn a ship
Necropolis 4
  • [Improved] Blocked the path that enabled the player to pass behind the "Watchers of Yagult" before the storypoint, for those who entered the area, there is also now a one-way teleporter that will bring you back if you are "trapped" in your savegame after the patch
Stronghold 1
  • [Fixed] Defeating Ajit in players turn and respawn of Ajit will no longer lead to a skipped turn
  • [Improved] Weak of Storm got disabled to ensure player can win the last fight
  • [Improved] Statue will now change it's tooltip at the correct time (after the Dialog with Reem appears)
  • [Fixed] A wrong soundfile was removed on both cutscenes (Waterfall and Falling Statue)
  • [Fixed] Amari has no creatures anymore
  • [Fixed] A correct combat map was added to one of the bridges (where it was missing)
  • [Fixed] An issue where Ajit would not attack the player
  • [Fixed] A general issue was fixed that enabled player to access by the waterfall blocked area after loading a savegame
Stronghold 3
  • [Fixed] Hall of Heroes will now only provide 5 additional heroes to ensure that the player will not have more than 8 heroes when Imani comes back
  • [Fixed] The Dwelling in the east will now have proper visuals and naming and will also only provide one champion unit as designed
  • [Improved] One Dragon Flame Tongue was replaced with a Dragon Fang Necklace
  • [Fixed] The Sandstorm-(De-)Buff will now correctly apply to the attackers after Imani came back (fixed also for existing savegames)
  • [Improved] The Scout will now be revealed if he happens to enter the FoW again after discovering him
  • [Fixed] A general issue was fixed that enabled player and AI to access Ninakula after loading a savegame
Sylvan 2
  • [Fixed] Two floating Objects were placed properly
  • [Improved] Disabled Week of Storm to ensure balance in the first fight
Sylvan 3
  • [Improved] Cinematic showing Shadris and Sorleth triggered during "Between Shadris and Sorleth" quest is now skipable
Dungeon 2
  • [Improved] One of the underground entrances is now more visible as it was quite hidden before
  • [Improved] Gossipmonger quest cinamatic tweaked to work properly
Final 1
  • [Improved] There is now minimap tracking for the "Peace Offering" quest
  • [Fixed] If you end the "Heart and Soul" quest using Nolwenn, Nolwenn was still the selected hero even though she changed the faction
  • [Fixed] The player is now able to complete the AM_Final_Map1 if he casts Instant Recall after solving the "Heart and Soul" quest
Final 2
  • [Fixed] An issue in the second map of Ivan's campaign, whereby a wrong dialogue was playing when completing a quest with Andras of Raven
Yeshtar's Promise
  • [Fixed] Two clipping issues where fixed (Camera could go beneath the terrain; Artifact Chest was below the terrain)
  • [Fixed] A wrong soundfile was removed
  • [Fixed] The arena will now also give 10 Defense
  • [Improved] If you already fullfilled the Main Quest (captured the town), you can now load your savegame to finish the map (in the previous patch you still needed to end your turn once to take effect)
  • [Fixed] A general issue was fixed that enabled player to access the closed "choosing areas" after loading a savegame
The Story of Solmyr and the Efreet
  • [Fixed] The Dragon Nexus is now reachable
Ice Demons
  • [Fixed] Hero passes no longer through a bridge
The Timber War
  • [Fixed] Player no longer loses map if he only loses the city of Tyloth
  • [Fixed] Hole in landscape fixed
  • [Improved] Landscape increased so that the player can't see the borders of the level in the fog of war
  • [Fixed] The user received the same message twice if he gets close to both bridges on the map
  • [Improved] Map trigger was moved to the other side of the bridge
  • [Fixed] Several gameplay and visual issues have been adressed for the Savage Sea map
  • [Fixed] An issue in Ruins of Dischord were the folliage was entering inside some buildings
  • [Improved] A new feature on Dried Lands were the expansion towns will never be the same faction as the your initial town to prevent unfairness in MP games
  • [Improved] Some water areas were polished on dungeons and minions
  • [Improved] Camera behaviour tweaks on dungeons and minions
  • [Improved] Random Towns/Creatures/Forts/Dwellings now have a new feature to be a different faction from a town
Random Artifacts
  • * Added item set and tier options [Improved] Script Editor
  • * Added instigating army support to actions "Attack Army", "Rotate Army", "Interact with [Improved] Building", "Move to Army", "Move to Building" and "Move to Tile"
  • * Added "Timer" trigger, condition, and action
  • * Added new actions "Add random Hero Artifact", "Add Skill to Hero", "Learn Spell for [Improved] Hero" and "Add/Remove/Set Hero EXP"
  • * Added pickup sound and floating text for actions that give items to heroes
  • * Added "Collected specific army" trigger
  • [Fixed] Campaign Editor
  • * Fixed "Map could not be found" issue
  • * Fixed crash when saving a campaign after having switched maps in the editor
  • [Improved] Kismet
  • * Split H7Actions, H7Conditions and H7Trigger into multiple categories to reduce the list sizes
  • [Fixed] Custom Campaigns
  • * Fixed hero transfer from one map to the next, which was broken when the hero's properties were changed before
  • [Fixed] Minimap disappearing on performing Ctrl + Middle Mouse
  • [Improved] Removed erasing functionality of the terrain painting tool since Unreal Engine 3 only supports it when a texture is not at full density, which limits its usefulness.
  • [Improved] Flotsam contains the correct resources (Gold and Wood)
Gameplay Mechanics:
  • [Fixed] Pixies and Sprites applying debuffs twice
  • [Fixed][Skills/Abilities] Bought spell scrolls are not reset after selecting fight again
  • [Fixed] Random skilling: 2 abilities should not be from the same skill
  • [Fixed] [Skills/Abilities] The Justicar unit will skip its turn if it uses the Opportunity Retaliation before its turn in the round
  • [Fixed] The user's units can appear in a manual combat even if they cannot be controlled in certain conditions
  • [Fixed] The Morale and Luck Icon are triggered after the turn of the Sun Deer
  • [Fixed] [Combat] Centaurs use maneuver while week of storms
  • [Fixed] Accuracy not working in morale turn
  • [Fixed] Improper behaviour can be seen when the player orders a caravan of creatures from any captured town hall or dwelling in the map Irresponsible War
  • [Fixed] Creatures with the "Strike and Return" ability can make the same space available to all other friendly creatures ignoring the rule of limited movement
  • [Fixed] Warfare units have no 'getting-hit' animations
  • [Fixed] The siege warfare unit shoots a second time even if the targeted area is destroyed
  • [Fixed] The Tsunami spell can place creature stacks one on top of the other when cast by the AI
  • [Fixed] The dimension portal does not trigger combat when guarded on the other side
  • [Fixed] Metamagic rank increase is not working
  • [Fixed] Entangling roots don't make the hit creature unable to move
  • [Fixed] "Poison Cloud" spell will give damage to any unit
  • [Fixed] Incapacitated enemy creatures don't skip their next turn
  • [Fixed] Celestial's resurrection ability does not work when engaged in melee
  • [Fixed] Hybrid Warfare unit skips second action when attacking first and "Artillery", "Artillery Barrage" is skilled
  • [Fixed] Fire Wall will be casted elsewhere in certain conditions
  • [Fixed] The legionnaire will receive the same Debuff as the unit he is shielding receives
  • [Fixed] Moving the first creature available in a combat after it was previously put on Wait will display incorrect tiles during the next combat turn
  • [Fixed] Firewall is not cast where it should on 2X2 units
  • [Fixed] Resurrection ability of the Celestial is not working when an enemy unit is in melee range
  • [Fixed] The Celestial Resurrection Ability kills friendly creatures instead of reviving them when the hero has the Reinforcements untimate
  • [Fixed] In moral turn the "wait" option needs to be disabled
  • [Fixed] Game gets stuck when the user orders one hero to collect a treasure chest and spams on his second hero hud just before the pop up of gold/xp appears
  • [Fixed] Enraged Cyclops ability "Fiery Eye" is not greyed out when an enemy creature its near him
  • [Fixed] Hybrid Warfare units that have the Artillery barrage skill will not allow the player to use the second ability of the hybrid unit
  • [Fixed] Spells cast during the Clarity skill's second turn show negative values
  • [Fixed] The Face of Fear spell does not work as intended
  • [Fixed] Deployment of the local guard is not possible if a stack from the main army is split during tactics
  • [Improved] Sound is now played when the spirit gate is activated after interacting with Anastasya on AM_Final_Map1
  • [Fixed] A new quest sound was played when the camera reveals Kente on AM_Final_Map1
  • [Fixed] Sound is now played when activating Spider Obelisks in Necro map 2
  • [Fixed] The music ends and doesn't resume, during the battle with Yasir, on am_stronghold_map4
  • [Fixed] Selection SFX is not present when selecting a creature in Army Recruitment Page
  • [Fixed] Basic ambience sounds aren't changing during npc scenes
  • [Fixed] Wrong voiceover is played after completing the "Raven Wings" quest
  • [Fixed] No sound is played when the spirit gate is activated after interacting with Anastasya on AM_Final_Map1
  • [Fixed] Rubble sound effects can be heard when the narration with Kibwe is closed, after the wizard statue falls, on am_stronghold_map1
  • [Fixed] Ivan has no movement sound on AM_Final_Map1
  • [Fixed] The Adventure Speed setting influences audio playback on Combat Maps
  • [Fixed] The "Time Stasis" spell SFX is corrupted
  • [Fixed] Battle SFX can be heard in a multiplayer combat of two other players (while you only see the static progress screen)
  • [Fixed] The same sound as receiving a quest is played when the camera reveals Kente on AM_Final_Map1
  • [Fixed] There is no SFX audible when clicking on the arrows of the Scroll bar in Heropedia
  • [Fixed] There are no specific sounds playing when the user scrolls through the Heropedia pages
  • [Fixed] Ambient sounds are not heard on the town screen but resume when options are accessed
  • [Fixed] No specific sound is played when the player selects different skills
  • [Fixed] No specific sounds are played when the user adjusts the recruit screen creature quantity slider
  • [Fixed] There is no sound when choosing between the "max" and "TR" buttons in the marketplace
Last edited by a moderator:
  • Очень помог!
Reactions: Gonanda
Картинку на глобалке отлично переделали. Анонс патча 1.4
The Road Ahead | Might & Magic® Heroes 7 | Ubisoft Official
[DOUBLEPOST=1446661849][/DOUBLEPOST]Частота патчей и объём работы конечно радуют, но зная Убисофт сомнения это не развеивает. На поддержку своих игр они забивают крайне быстро.
[DOUBLEPOST=1446733207][/DOUBLEPOST]Might & Magic Heroes VII - Update 1.4
Date: November 05th, 2015
Release note: see below

  • [Fixed] AI Speed/Adventure Speed/Combat Speed from the Options menu will change to their default values when the user Loads or starts any save/load action
  • [Fixed] Improved the destruction physics in Siege combats
  • [Improved] The saturation of the world has undergone a major overhaul based on user feedback.
    • * The colors are stronger and more saturated.
      * The contrast has been improved.
      * Brighness has been adjusted.
  • [Improved] There are new options regarding camera rotation:
    • * Mouse right click rotation can be disabled
    • * Mouse rotating sensibility can be adjusted
    • * Keyboard rotating sensibility can be adjusted
    • * Also the smoothness of the rotating has been improved
  • [Improved] Added a new option in the Settings to enable/disable Atmospheric Fog
  • [Fixed] The defeated heroes will still appear on the minimap after a save/load operation
  • [Fixed] Game crashes on the loading screen if a save created contains a hero with governor abilities unlocked and is assigned as governor of town
  • [Improved] Adjusted decision logic when considering attacking another player (taking into account relative player strength [relative to target] and absolute current strength [relative to all other players]
  • [Improved] Adjusted AI reachability calculations to have more up to date info when saving and loading
  • [Improved] Adjusted AI hero turn prioritisation to consider reinforcing heroes to move first
  • [Fixed] The issue of the game getting stuck if the last AI player loses in his own turn.
  • [Fixed] More occurences of out of synch caused by AI in Multiplayer.
  • [Fixed] An issue of the game gets stuck when the client quits the lobby while launching Duel multiplayer session.
  • [Fixed] An issue when a multiplayer session is terminated on entering the session if any client joins the session which is already in the session-loading phase.
  • [Fixed] An issue when a session goes out of Sync when the hero interacts with blind monastery again after learning an ability.
  • [Fixed] An issue that thieves guild opens on all the player's screen, when one player enter's "Den of thieves" building.
  • [Fixed] An issue of "Unable to connect to the server" message received if the user double clicks Join game on Online Game Browser.
  • [Fixed] An issue of no error message received if the Host closes an open slot after the Client had joined the same.
  • [Fixed] An issue of the number of resources displayed on “resources bar” will be the same for all players in the session in certain conditions.
  • [Fixed] An issue of the game gets stuck for 30-50 seconds after keeping idle for 20 seconds on combat screen with the Neutral Army (SimTurns).
  • [Fixed] An inconsistency of the Session settings for the Client on the Game Browser screen.
  • [Fixed] Game going at the start of the game when rapidly ending the first turn.
  • [Fixed] The game gets stuck for 30-50 seconds after keeping idle for 20 seconds on combat screen with the Neutral Army
  • [Fixed] The number of resources displayed on “resources bar” will be the same for all players in the session in certain conditions
  • [Fixed] No error message received if the Host closes an open slot after the Client had joined the same
  • [Fixed] The session went out of sync after resources pick up and end turn
  • [Fixed] Multiplayer session is terminated on entering the session if any client joins the session which is already in the session-loading phase
  • [Fixed] Hero has no creatures in his Army on selecting a Random Hero and match cannot be started
  • [Fixed] Game gets stuck when the client quits the lobby while launching Duel multiplayer session
  • [Fixed] Session goes out of Sync when the hero interacts with blind monastery again after learning an ability
Gameplay Mechanics
  • [Fixed] Entering a magic guild level 3 and upwards crashes the game
  • [Fixed] The player cannot flank properly on destroyed Siege walls
  • [Fixed] Game gets stuck while attacking with the special ability of Imperial Griffins "Diving Attack" on enemy creatures
  • [Fixed] Area of control effects are not properly updated after save load.
  • [Fixed] The "Soul Reaver" ability is not functional
  • [Fixed] The Golden Dragon highlights tiles in a linear pattern as if he will use an ability when hovering the curson on a creature stack
  • [Fixed] Namtaru can attack a second time if you wait after the first shot
  • [Fixed] Die and idle animations don't seem to be affected by game speed change
  • [Fixed] Resource income prediction of the resource bar is increased after save/load
  • [Fixed] Areas of control of closed players are still colored in the underground on map start
  • [Fixed] Warfare Healing Sister and Healing Tent plays healing animation instead of end turn animation
  • [Fixed] Treant Synergy effect is activated on dead creatures
  • [Fixed] Rare crash when having too many particles attached to armies on long playsessions on the adventure map
  • [Fixed] Erratic Hero Decal behaviour (disappearing and re-appearing seemingly randomly)
  • [Fixed] Crash with Suzerain ability when a governor with said ability was assigned to a town
  • [Fixed] Gamespeed overriding from savegames
  • [Fixed] Floating adventure objects behaving erratically (disappearing into the ground)
  • [Fixed] A crash with battle sites after loading a game and getting defeated there
  • [Fixed] A crash with having a lot of creature growth enhancers built in towns
  • [Fixed] Minimap update on map start to properly reflect Areas of Control
  • [Fixed] Random duel armies to give proper random army
  • [Improved] Creature movement stop animation to scale properly with gamespeed
  • [Improved] Waiting time after moving a creature in combat map to scale with gamespeed
  • [Improved] Hero animation speed scaling with gamespeed in adventure map
  • [Improved] Idle and die animation speeds to scale better with gamespeed
  • [Improved]Optimised GUI calls on adventure maps when updating the hero list
Level Design:
  • Academy 1
    • [Fixed] Creatures have no collision with gate's towers after warfare unit hit's them on combat map
  • Academy 3
    • [Fixed]The Water level rises back up if a Saved Game is Loaded after The Flood
  • Academy 4
    • [Fixed] Fahada does not retain her level and progress from Map 1
    • [Fixed] External dwelling ignores area of control
  • Haven 2
    • [Fixed] AI does not end it's turn after talking with Masfar the first time when using a savegame
  • Dungeon 1
    • [Fixed] No collision on the edge of the bridge in the underground layer
    • [Fixed] The "Shadowsteel Refinery" can never be built.
  • Dungeon 2
    • [Fixed] No collision on the edge of the cliff near Dungeon Fort in the underground layer
  • Stronghold 1
    • [Fixed] Wrong portrait is used for Kanoni
    • [Fixed] Random, non-interactable Stronghold hero standing around
    • [Fixed] Performing a save/load operation after demolishing the wizard statue will play the dam destruction sound effects, on am_stronghold_map1
    • [Fixed] Performing two save/load operations will misplace a quest marker and make another one persist after completing the Centaurs quest
  • Sylvan 1
    • [Fixed] One-eyed rock fort is not visible if the video settings - visual density is kept on low or medium
  • Final Map 2
    • [Fixed] Hero clips with the 'Mass Grave' structure
    • [Fixed] Artifact can be seen to be levitating in the air near the castle 'Barr Abhainn'
    • [Fixed] Nolwenn's level and skills are not transferred over from the previous map
  • Necropolis 5
    • [Fixed] Mouse-over tooltip pop-up for "Well of Souls" spills out of the screen on certain points
  • The Story of Solmyr and the Efreet
    • [Fixed] Multiple artifacts appear to be levitating in the air throughout the map
  • [Improved] Custom Campaigns
    • * New fix for hero transfer from one map to the next, which was broken when the hero's properties were changed before, as the old fix had some sideeffects.
    • The downside of the new fix is that existing campaign heroes have to be manually patched: Open the affected heroes on all maps. In the properties uncheck "Save Progress". Click OK, open the properties and check "Save Progress" again. Save the maps and republish the Campaign.
  • [Fixed] "Close All Popups" spawns the screen in the middle of the map
  • [Fixed] Underground layer cannot be deleted from Map Properties
  • [Fixed] Game crashes after completing a Combat Map launched using Play Map
  • [Fixed] Editor crashes on adjusting the Map Grid Controller Properties
  • [Fixed] "Hide or reveal object"-node will not clear the icon out of the Minimap.
  • Мне нравится
Reactions: Gonanda
Список изменений, вносимые патчем 1.4:
Might & Magic Heroes VII - Update 1.4
Date: November 05th, 2015

Глобальные изменения:
  • Improved memory management and loading times
  • Adventure map saturation rework
  • Tutorial videos now available and Haven campaign now introduced as beginner campaign the first time you launch the game
  • Option to enable/disable the height fog
  • Multiplayer fixes
  • Editor fixes
  • Various game bug fixing and improvements
  • [Fixed] AI Speed/Adventure Speed/Combat Speed from the Options menu will change to their default values when the user Loads or starts any save/load action
  • [Fixed] Improved the destruction physics in Siege combats
  • [Improved] The saturation of the world has undergone a major overhaul based on user feedback
* The colors are stronger and more saturated.
* The contrast has been improved.
* Brighness has been adjusted.
  • [Improved] There are new options regarding camera rotation:
* Mouse right click rotation can be disabled
* Mouse rotating sensibility can be adjusted
* Keyboard rotating sensibility can be adjusted
* Also the smoothness of the rotating has been improved
  • [Improved] Added a new option in the Settings to enable/disable Atmospheric Fog
  • [Fixed] The defeated heroes will still appear on the minimap after a save/load operation
  • [Fixed] Game crashes on the loading screen if a save created contains a hero with governor abilities unlocked and is assigned as governor of town
  • [Improved] Adjusted decision logic when considering attacking another player (taking into account relative player strength [relative to target] and absolute current strength [relative to all other players]
  • Improved] Adjusted AI reachability calculations to have more up to date info when saving and loading
  • [Improved] Adjusted AI hero turn prioritisation to consider reinforcing heroes to move first
Сетевая игра:
  • [Fixed] The issue of the game getting stuck if the last AI player loses in his own turn.
  • [Fixed] More occurences of out of synch caused by AI in Multiplayer.
  • [Fixed] An issue of the game gets stuck when the client quits the lobby while launching Duel multiplayer session.
  • [Fixed] An issue when a multiplayer session is terminated on entering the session if any client joins the session which is already in the session-loading phase.
  • [Fixed] An issue when a session goes out of Sync when the hero interacts with blind monastery again after learning an ability.
  • [Fixed] An issue that thieves guild opens on all the player's screen, when one player enter's "Den of thieves" building.
  • [Fixed] An issue of "Unable to connect to the server" message received if the user double clicks Join game on Online Game Browser.
  • [Fixed] An issue of no error message received if the Host closes an open slot after the Client had joined the same.
  • [Fixed] An issue of the number of resources displayed on “resources bar” will be the same for all players in the session in certain conditions.
  • [Fixed] An issue of the game gets stuck for 30-50 seconds after keeping idle for 20 seconds on combat screen with the Neutral Army (SimTurns).
  • [Fixed] An inconsistency of the Session settings for the Client on the Game Browser screen.
  • [Fixed] Game going at the start of the game when rapidly ending the first turn.
  • [Fixed] The game gets stuck for 30-50 seconds after keeping idle for 20 seconds on combat screen with the Neutral Army
  • [Fixed] The number of resources displayed on “resources bar” will be the same for all players in the session in certain conditions
  • [Fixed] No error message received if the Host closes an open slot after the Client had joined the same
  • [Fixed] The session went out of sync after resources pick up and end turn
  • [Fixed] Multiplayer session is terminated on entering the session if any client joins the session which is already in the session-loading phase
  • [Fixed] Hero has no creatures in his Army on selecting a Random Hero and match cannot be started
  • [Fixed] Game gets stuck when the client quits the lobby while launching Duel multiplayer session
  • [Fixed] Session goes out of Sync when the hero interacts with blind monastery again after learning an ability
Игровая механика:
  • [Fixed] Entering a magic guild level 3 and upwards crashes the game
  • [Fixed] The player cannot flank properly on destroyed Siege walls
  • [Fixed] Game gets stuck while attacking with the special ability of Imperial Griffins "Diving Attack" on enemy creatures
  • [Fixed] Area of control effects are not properly updated after save load.
  • [Fixed] The "Soul Reaver" ability is not functional
  • [Fixed] The Golden Dragon highlights tiles in a linear pattern as if he will use an ability when hovering the curson on a creature stack
  • [Fixed] Namtaru can attack a second time if you wait after the first shot
  • [Fixed] Die and idle animations don't seem to be affected by game speed change
  • [Fixed] Resource income prediction of the resource bar is increased after save/load
  • [Fixed] Areas of control of closed players are still colored in the underground on map start
  • [Fixed] Warfare Healing Sister and Healing Tent plays healing animation instead of end turn animation
  • [Fixed] Treant Synergy effect is activated on dead creatures
  • [Fixed] Rare crash when having too many particles attached to armies on long playsessions on the adventure map
  • [Fixed] Erratic Hero Decal behaviour (disappearing and re-appearing seemingly randomly)
  • [Fixed] Crash with Suzerain ability when a governor with said ability was assigned to a town
  • [Fixed] Gamespeed overriding from savegames
  • [Fixed] Floating adventure objects behaving erratically (disappearing into the ground)
  • [Fixed] A crash with battle sites after loading a game and getting defeated there
  • [Fixed] A crash with having a lot of creature growth enhancers built in towns
  • [Fixed] Minimap update on map start to properly reflect Areas of Control
  • [Fixed] Random duel armies to give proper random army
  • [Improved] Creature movement stop animation to scale properly with gamespeed
  • [Improved] Waiting time after moving a creature in combat map to scale with gamespeed
  • [Improved] Hero animation speed scaling with gamespeed in adventure map
  • [Improved] Idle and die animation speeds to scale better with gamespeed
  • [Improved]Optimised GUI calls on adventure maps when updating the hero list
Дизайн уровней:
Academy 1
  • [Fixed] Creatures have no collision with gate's towers after warfare unit hit's them on combat map
Academy 3
  • [Fixed]The Water level rises back up if a Saved Game is Loaded after The Flood
Academy 4
  • [Fixed] Fahada does not retain her level and progress from Map 1
  • [Fixed] External dwelling ignores area of control
Haven 2
  • [Fixed] AI does not end it's turn after talking with Masfar the first time when using a savegame
Dungeon 1
  • [Fixed] No collision on the edge of the bridge in the underground layer
  • [Fixed] The "Shadowsteel Refinery" can never be built.
Dungeon 2
  • [Fixed] No collision on the edge of the cliff near Dungeon Fort in the underground layer
Stronghold 1
  • [Fixed] Wrong portrait is used for Kanoni
  • [Fixed] Random, non-interactable Stronghold hero standing around
  • [Fixed] Performing a save/load operation after demolishing the wizard statue will play the dam destruction sound effects, on am_stronghold_map1
  • [Fixed] Performing two save/load operations will misplace a quest marker and make another one persist after completing the Centaurs quest
Sylvan 1
  • [Fixed] One-eyed rock fort is not visible if the video settings - visual density is kept on low or medium
Final Map 2
  • [Fixed] Hero clips with the 'Mass Grave' structure
  • [Fixed] Artifact can be seen to be levitating in the air near the castle 'Barr Abhainn'
  • [Fixed] Nolwenn's level and skills are not transferred over from the previous map
Necropolis 5
  • [Fixed] Mouse-over tooltip pop-up for "Well of Souls" spills out of the screen on certain points
The Story of Solmyr and the Efreet
  • [Fixed] Multiple artifacts appear to be levitating in the air throughout the map
  • [Improved] Custom Campaigns
* New fix for hero transfer from one map to the next, which was broken when the hero's properties were changed before, as the old fix had some sideeffects.
The downside of the new fix is that existing campaign heroes have to be manually patched: Open the affected heroes on all maps. In the properties uncheck "Save Progress". Click OK, open the properties and check "Save Progress" again. Save the maps and republish the Campaign.
  • [Fixed] "Close All Popups" spawns the screen in the middle of the map
  • [Fixed] Underground layer cannot be deleted from Map Properties
  • [Fixed] Game crashes after completing a Combat Map launched using Play Map
  • [Fixed] Editor crashes on adjusting the Map Grid Controller Properties
  • [Fixed] "Hide or reveal object"-node will not clear the icon out of the Minimap.
Не играл с релиза. Вот сейчас погонял 1.4, что сразу бросилось в глаза это поумневший тактический ИИ. Уже невозможно вынести толпу стрелков несколькими единичками, т.к. они мочат таки основной стек и в деф не уходят при блоке.
Хотя милишники, вроде, всё так же бегут на максимум хода, теряя возможность ударить первыми и тупо подставляясь под удары.
Это какая-то фантастика. Правят, правят, а ещё даже не все абилки работают. Взял грандмастера некромантии, а он не работает. Обидно блин:dash:
DemonSD, согласен полностью. Жду до покупки ещё несколько месяцев...
Но играть, на удивление, интересно) Если разрабы продолжат в том же духе, то семерка может стать вполне себе нормальной игрой серии.
Взял грандмастера некромантии, а он не работает
Работает же, описание только на русском как обычно не о том.
А вот вампиров кажется так и не починили, более того они теперь иногда вообще не лечатся при ударе
Работает же, описание только на русском как обычно не о том.
Они востанавливают по 40% потерь после того как атакуют сами. Если так и задумано, то это какой-то мараз и имба ещё похлеще той что в русском описании.
Правила Форумов обязательны к прочтению! Используйте полезные закладки. ВСЕ изображения и файлы загружаются только на наш сервер! Для этого необходимо использовать кнопку "Прикрепить файлы" или просто перетащить необходимые файлы/изображения с вашего компьютера в окно редактора.