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Ответственный Планировщик
Jun 4, 2015
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Глобальная стратегия галактического масштаба

Отправляйтесь во Вселенную полную чудес и посвятите себя исследованию безграничного космоса! Компания Paradox Development Studio, создавшая знаменитые серии Crusader Kings и Europa Universalis, представляет новое слово в жанре глобальных стратегий.Stellaris – это вдумчивый стратегический геймплей, впечатляющее разнообразие инопланетных рас и по-настоящему увлекательный сюжет. Это захватывающее времяпрепровождение за исследованием космических просторов, где вам предстоит путешествовать, встречать обитателей далеких миров, взаимодействовать с ними и постоянно узнавать что-то новое.

Впишите свое имя в историю покорения космоса и создайте собственную галактическую империю! Колонизируйте далекие миры и ассимилируйте их обитателей. Покорять звездные системы силой или пытаться достигнуть желаемого дипломатическими методами? Выбирать вам.

Ключевые особенности:
  • Глубокая и разнообразная система исследования.
  • Гигантские процедурно генерируемые галактики с тысячами планет.
  • Изучение Аномалий благодаря способностям Научных лидеров.
  • Бесконечное видовое разнообразие за счет гибких настроек и процедурной генерации.
  • Продвинутая система дипломатии, достойная глобальной стратегии.
  • Конструктор кораблей, опирающийся на большой массив доступных технологий.
  • Невероятно красивый космос.
Список контентых дополнений:
Leviathans Story Pack (20 октября 2016 года, патч 1.3) - вводит в игру два типа новых инопланетных рас, которые можно исследовать или завоёвывать: Анклавы и Стражи. Также в дополнении появляются «Войны в небесах» — глобальные войны угасших империй. Игрок может принять в них участие, присоединившись к одной из сторон или действуя против всех.
Utopia (6 апреля 2017 года , патч 1.5) - добавляет бонусы за стремление. Теперь игрок может копить очки единства и выбрать один из путей эволюции — биологический, синтетический или псионический. Дополнение предоставляет возможность строить обитаемые космические станции, дающие прирост населения, и мегаструктуры. Добавлены расширенные механики правления, рабства и геноцида.
Synthetic Dawn Story Pack (21 сентября 2017 года, патч 1.8) - добавляет в игру новую разновидность империй — империи машин, населённые роботами. В этом дополнении игрокам предлагается создавать собственные галактические империи, а также участвовать в новых цепочках событий.
Apocalypse (22 февраля 2018 года, патч 2.0) - среди новых фракций дополнения — мародёры, которых можно использовать в качестве наёмников. Также предлагается расширение боевого флота и новое мощное оружие — «Колосс», с помощью которого возможно уничтожать миры. Для обороны доступно строительство новых защитных сооружений.
Distant Stars Story Pack (22 мая 2018 года, патч 2.1) - дополнение вводит сюжетную линию с возможностью отправиться в новое звёздное скопление вблизи галактики, встретить новых обитателей космоса и обнаружить новые аномалии.

Список косметических дополнений:

Plantoids Species Pack (4 августа 2016 года) - в набор входит новый фенотип для игроков, со своей уникальной графикой и анимацией, добавляет в Stellaris растение подобные расы, чьи семена распространяются по всей галактике, пуская корни новых цивилизаций на новых планетах.
Nova Edition Upgrade Pack (4 апреля 2017 года) - включает в себя Arachnoid Portrait Pack: добавляет портрет арахнидов.
Anniversary Portraits (9 мая 2017 года) - набор бесплатных портретов, выпущенных к годовщине выхода игры; включает в себя Creatures of the Void Portrait Pack: добавляет 5 дополнительных портретов за предзаказ игры.
Humanoids Species Pack (7 декабря 2017 года) - новые портреты и модели кораблей для гуманоидных рас.


Архив дневников разработчиков на русском.
Дневник разработчиков № 1 | 21 сентября 2015 года | Видение / The Vision
Дневник разработчиков № 2 | 30 сентября 2015 года | Видение графики / Art Vision
Дневник разработчиков № 3 | 5 октября 2015 года | Генерация галактики / Galaxy Generation
Дневник разработчиков № 4 | 12 октября 2015 года | Средства передвижения / Means of Travel
Дневник разработчиков № 5 | 19 октября 2015 года | Империи и виды / Empires and Species
Дневник разработчиков № 6 | 26 октября 2015 года | Правители и лидеры / Rulers and Leaders
Дневник разработчиков № 7 | 2 ноября 2015 года | Научно-исследовательские корабли, исследования и аномалии / Science Ships, Surveys and Anomalies
Дневник разработчиков № 8 | 9 ноября 2015 года | Журнал событий и Специальные проекты / The Situation Log and Special Projects
Дневник разработчиков № 9 | 16 ноября 2015 года | Планеты и ресурсы / Planets and resourses
Дневник разработчиков № 10 | 23 ноября 2015 года | Космопорт и редкие ресурсы / Spaceport and rare resourses
Дневник разработчиков № 11 | 30 ноября 2015 года | Технологии / Technologies
Дневник разработчиков № 12 | 7 декабря 2015 года | Политики и указы / Policies & Edicts
Дневник разработчиков № 13 | 14 декабря 2015 года | Примитивные цивилизации / Primitive Civilizations
Дневник разработчиков № 14 | 21 декабря 2015 года | Возвышенные и подвиды / Uplifting and Subspecies
Дневник разработчиков № 15 | 4 января 2016 года | Павшие империи / Fallen Empires
Дневник разработчиков № 16 | 11 января 2016 года | Колониальные события / Colony Events
Дневник разработчиков № 17 | 18 января 2016 года | Конструктор кораблей / Ship Designer
Дневник разработчиков № 18 | 25 января 2016 года | Космические бои / Fleet Combat
Дневник разработчиков № 19 | 1 февраля 2016 года | Дипломатия и торговля / Diplomacy & Trade
Дневник разработчиков № 20 | 8 февраля 2016 года | Война и мир / War & Peace
Дневник разработчиков № 21 | 15 февраля 2016 года | Административные сектора / Administrative Sectors
Дневник разработчиков № 22 | 22 февраля 2016 года | Альянсы и Федерации / Alliances and Federations
Дневник разработчиков № 23 | 29 февраля 2016 года | Мультиплеер / Multiplayer
Дневник разработчиков № 24 | 07 марта 2016 года | ИИ / AI
Дневник разработчиков № 25 | 14 марта 2016 года | Обратная разработка и уникальные технологии / Reverse Engineering and Unique Technologies
Дневник разработчиков № 26 | 21 марта 2016 года | Миграция, рабство и чистки / Migrations, Slavery & Purges
Дневник разработчиков № 27 | 28 марта 2016 года | Звук и музыка / Music & Sound
Дневник разработчиков № 28 | 4 апреля 2016 года | Речь главы проекта / The Project Lead speaks
Дневник разработчиков № 29 | 11 апреля 2016 года | Фракции населения и выборы / Pop Factions & Elections
Дневник разработчиков № 30 | 18 апреля 2016 года | Кризисы поздней игры / Late Game Crises
Дневник разработчиков № 31 | 25 апреля 2016 года | Моддинг (создание аномалий) / Modding (Scripting Anomalies)
Дневник разработчиков № 32 | 2 мая 2016 года | Моддинг графики / Modding art
Дневник разработчиков № 33 | 16 мая 2016 года | Первый рейс / The Maiden Voyage
Дневник разработчиков № 34 | 24 мая 2016 года | Патч Кларк / Clarke Patch
Дневник разработчиков № 35 | 31 мая 2016 года | Космический контроль качества / QA in Space
Дневник разработчиков № 36 | 14 июня 2016 года | Азимов, часть I / Asimov Patch, part 1
Дневник разработчиков № 37 | 20 июня 2016 года | Азимов, часть II / Asimov Patch, part 2
Дневник разработчиков № 38 | 27 июня 2016 года | Новый графический фон систем / New Skyboxes
Дневник разработчиков № 39 | 1 августа 2016 года | Назад, к действиям / Back in Action
Дневник разработчиков № 40 | 8 августа 2016 года | Хайнлайн, часть I / Heinlein Patch, part 1
Дневник разработчиков № 41 | 15 августа 2016 года | Хайнлайн, часть 2 / Heinlein Patch, part 2

Дневник разработчиков № 42 | 22 августа 2016 года | Хайнлайн, часть 3 / Heinlein Patch, part 3
Дневник разработчиков № 43 | 29 августа 2016 года | Хайнлайн, часть 4 / Heinlein Patch, part 4
Дневник разработчиков № 44 | 6 сентября 2016 года | Хайнлайн, часть 5 / Heinlein Patch, part 5
Дневник разработчиков № 45 | 12 сентября 2016 года | Хайнлайн, часть 6 / Heinlein Patch, part 6
Дневник разработчиков № 46 | 19 сентября 2016 года | Анклавы / Enclaves
Дневник разработчиков № 47 | 29 сентября 2016 года | Стражи / Guardians
Дневник разработчиков № 48 | 06 октября 2016 года | Roar! & Boom!
Дневник разработчиков № 49 | 13 октября 2016 года | Графика и Портреты / Graphics & Portraits
Дневник разработчиков № 50 | 27 октября 2016 года | Взгляд в будущее / The Journey Ahead
Дневник разработчиков № 51 | 03 ноября 2016 года | Extradimensionals and Precursors
Дневник разработчиков № 52 | 10 ноября 2016 года | Новые достижения / New Achievements
Дневник разработчиков № 53 | 17 ноября 2016 года | Где все?/Where is everybody?
Дневник разработчиков № 54 | 08 декабря 2016 года | Переработка этик / Ethics Rework
Дневник разработчиков № 55 | 15 декабря 2016 года | Единство и Традиции / Unity and Traditions
Дневник разработчиков № 56 | 12 января 2017 года | Перки Вознесения / Ascension Perks
Дневник разработчиков № 57 | 19 января 2017 года | Виды прав / Species Rights
Дневник разработчиков № 58 | 26 января 2017 года | Среда обитания / Habitats
Дневник разработчиков № 59 | 02 февраля 2017 года | Мегаструктуры/ Megastructures
Дневник разработчиков № 60 | 09 февраля 2017 года | Псионики и Пелена / Psionics and The Shroud
Дневник разработчиков № 61 | 16 февраля 2017 года | Индоктринация, Беспорядки и Взаимодействия с фракциями / Indoctrination, Unrest and Faction Interactions
Дневник разработчиков № 62 | 23 февраля 2017 года | Правительство, Цивики и Коллективный Разум / Government, Civics and Hive Minds
Дневник разработчиков № 63 | 02 марта 2017 года | Синтетическое и Биологическое вознесение / Synthetic and Biological Ascension
Дневник разработчиков № 64 | 09 марта 2017 года | Мелкие функции и настройки / Minor Features and Tweaks
Дневник разработчиков № 65 | 16 марта 2017 года | Музыка в Утопии / Music from Utopia
Дневник разработчиков № 66 | 23 марта 2017 года | Графика и Интерфейс в Бэнксе / Graphics & Interface in Banks
Дневник разработчиков № 67 | 31 марта 2017 года | Полный список изменений для «Бэнкса» и «Утопии»
Дневник разработчиков № 68 | 14 апреля 2017 года | Представление и прощание / Introductions and Farewells
Дневник разработчиков № 69 | 20 апреля 2017 года | По ту сторону Утопии/ Beyond Utopia
Дневник разработчиков № 70 | 27 апреля 2017 года | Обновление Адамс (часть 1) / The Adams Update (part 1)
Дневник разработчиков № 71 | 04 мая 2017 года | Обновление Адамс (часть 2) / The Adams Update (part 2)
Дневник разработчиков № 72 | 01 июня 2017 года | Кризисы и Непредвиденные / Crises & The Contingency
Дневник разработчиков № 73 | 15 июня 2017 года | Обновление 'Čapek' / The Čapek Update
Дневник разработчиков № 74 | 22 июня 2017 года | Шаблоны генетических модификаций / Genemodding Templates
Дневник разработчиков № 75 | 29 июня 2017 года | Угасшая империя машин / Fallen Machine Empire
Дневник разработчиков № 76 | 06 июля 2017 года | Улучшения коллективного разума и Изменение традиций / Hive Mind Improvements & Tradition Swapping
Дневник разработчиков № 77 | 13 июля 2017 года | Голосовые наборы этики/ Ethics Voice Packs
Дневник разработчиков № 78 | 20 июля 2017 года | Модификации и изменение механики роботов / Robomodding & Robot Changes
Дневник разработчиков № 79 | 27 июля 2017 года | Компоненты кораблей и изменения баланса / Ship Component & Balance Changes
Дневник разработчиков № 80 | 03 августа 2017 года | Империи Машин / Machine Empires
Дневник разработчиков № 81 | 10 августа 2017 года | Восстание машин / Machine Uprisings
Дневник разработчиков № 82 | 17 августа 2017 года | Музыка «Synthetic Dawn»/ Synthetic Dawn Music
Дневник разработчиков № 83 | 24 августа 2017 года | Перечень нововведений патча «Чапек» (часть I) / Čapek Feature Roundup (part 1)
Дневник разработчиков № 84 | 31 августа 2017 года | Перечень нововведений патча «Чапек» (часть II) / Čapek Feature Roundup (part 2)
Дневник разработчиков № 85 | 07 сентября 2017 года | Упадок и изменения путей возвышения / Decadence and Ascension Path Changes
Дневник разработчиков № 86 | 14 сентября 2017 года | Список изменений обновления «Чапек»/дополнения «Synthetic Dawn»/ Čapek/Synthetic Dawn Patch Notes
Дневник разработчиков № 87 | 28 сентября 2017 года | Взгляд в будущее / A Glimpse of the Future
Дневник разработчиков № 88 | 05 октября 2017 года | Пострелизная поддержка 1.8/ 1.8 Post-Release Support
Дневник разработчиков № 89 | 12 октября 2017 года | Пострелизная поддержка 1.8 (часть 2) / 1.8 Post-Release Support (part 2)
Дневник разработчиков № 90 | 19 октября 2017 года | Официальный саундтрек / Official Sound Track
Дневник разработчиков № 91 | 26 октября 2017 года | Звёздные Базы / Starbases
Дневник разработчиков № 92 | 02 ноября 2017 года | Переработка сверхсветового перемещения и галактический ландшафт / FTL Rework and Galactic Terrain
Дневник разработчиков № 93 | 09 ноября 2017 года | Война, мир и претензии / War, Peace and Claims
Дневник разработчиков № 94 | 16 ноября 2017 года | Бонусы за стремление и исследования / Ascension Perks & Surveying in Cherryh
Дневник разработчиков № 95 | 23 ноября 2017 года | Набор гуманоидных рас / Humanoids Species Pack
Дневник разработчиков № 96 | 30 ноября 2017 года | Думстаки и конструктор кораблей / Doomstacks and Ship Design
Дневник разработчиков № 97 | 07 декабря 2017 года | Развитие технологий в «Черри» / Tech Progression in Cherryh
Дневник разработчиков № 98 | 14 декабря 2017 года | Менеджер флота / Fleet Manager
Дневник разработчиков № 99 | 21 декабря 2017 года | Наземные битвы и армейская подготовка / Ground Combat & Army Rework
Дневник разработчиков № 100 | 11 января 2018 года | Титаны и разрушители планет / Titans and Planet Destroyers
Дневник разработчиков № 101 | 18 января 2018 года | Мародёры, пираты и Орда / Marauders, Pirates and the Horde
Дневник разработчиков № 102 | 25 января 2018 года | Эдикты, кампании и амбиции единства / Edicts, Campaigns and Unity Ambitions
Дневник разработчиков № 103 | 01 февраля 2018 года | Изменения и добавления в системе гражданских моделей и бонусов за стремление / Civic/Ascension Perks Changes and Additions
Дневник разработчиков № 104 | 08 февраля 2018 года | Обзор особенностей «Черри» / Cherryh Feature Roundup
Дневник разработчиков № 105 | 15 февраля 2018 года | Список изменений патча 2.0 «Черри» / 2.0 'Cherryh' patch notes
Дневник разработчиков № 106 | 01 марта 2018 года | Список изменений патча 2.0.2 и наши планы после «Черри»
Дневник разработчиков № 107 | 08 марта 2018 года | Пост-Апокалипсис / The Post-Apocalypse
Дневник разработчиков № 108 | 15 марта 2018 года | Пострелизная поддержка 2.0 (часть 1) / 2.0 Post-Release Support (part 1)
Дневник разработчиков № 109 | 22 марта 2018 года | Пострелизная поддержка 2.0 (часть 2) / 2.0 Post-Release Support (part 2)
Дневник разработчиков № 110 | 05 апреля 2018 года | Creation and Beyond
Дневник разработчиков № 111 | 19 апреля 2018 года | Изменение системы аномалий и расширенное исследование космоса/ Anomaly Rework & Expanded Exploration
Дневник разработчиков № 112 | 26 апреля 2018 года | П-кластер / The L-Cluster
Дневник разработчиков № 113 | 03 мая 2018 года | Новые аномалии, звёздные системы и левиафаны / New Anomalies, Systems and Leviathans
Дневник разработчиков № 114 | 10 мая 2018 года | Космические существа, стратегические ресурсы и экспериментальная подпространственная навигация
Дневник разработчиков № 115 | 17 мая 2018 года | 2.1 Моддинг Аномалий (бонус) / 2.1 Anomaly Modding (Bonus)
Дневник разработчиков № 116 | 24 мая 2018 года | Пострелизная поддержка обновления «Нивен» / Niven Post-Launch Support
Дневник разработчиков № 117 | 31 мая 2018 года | Пострелизная поддержка обновления «Нивен» (часть 2) / Niven Post-Launch Support (part 2)
Дневник разработчиков № 118 | 7 июня 2018 года | Пострелизная поддержка обновления «Нивен» (часть 3) / Niven Post-Launch Support (part 3)
Дневник разработчиков № 119 | 21 июня 2018 года | Пострелизная поддержка обновления «Нивен» (часть 4) / Niven Post-Launch Support (part 4)

Полезные моды:

Больше Модов.

Локализация, шрифты:

Russian Localisation and GUI Fix by GEKS - Мод фиксящий ошибки и кривость русской локализации (работы над модом ещё ведутся. Встроен более удобный шрифт под русскую фикс-локализацию) - IRONMAN и Ачивки работают!
Russian Localisation Hairline Thin Font by GEKS - Тонкий мелкий шрифт (на любителя).
Russian Late fonts for GEKS localisation - Это ОСНОВНЫЕ АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНЫЕ шрифты для Гекс мода.
Russian Names - Все названия переведены на русский. АЧИВКИ НЕ РАБОТАЮТ.


UI Blue Theme - Синий интерфейс.
ZBeautiful Battles - более красочные бои. АЧИВКИ НЕ РАБОТАЮТ.

Нации, империи, расы:

Systems Alliance - Фракция людей из игры Mass Effect.
Asari Republics - Фракция Азари из игры Mass Effect.
40K: Twilight of the Imperium Cosmetic Mod - Фракции из вселенной Вархаммер 40к. IRONMAN не работает!


Flags : Emblems & Backgrounds - больше вариантов эмблем, бекграундов и т.д.
Complete Colors - расширенная цветовая гамма.
Mass Effect Soundtrack - музыкальные темы из одноименной игры.

Полезные ссылки:

Патч ноты вышедших патчей - Patch 1.0.X
Официальная вики игры - Stellaris Wiki
Дневники разработчиков - Stellaris Developer Diary Archive
Официальный сайт игры - Stellaris™ | Paradox Interactive
Официальный сайт Paradox - Paradox Interactive
Официальный форум игры - https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?forums/stellaris.900/
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Beta Patch 1.1.0 (Clarke) Released [checksum 3613]

(other languages will be in for the final release)

The beta version of the 1.1.0 (Clarke) update is now available on Steam.
  1. Right-click on Stellaris and choose "Properties"
  2. Click on "Betas" tab
  3. Select "1.1.0_beta" (if you can't see it, restart Steam)
  4. Download update
  5. Version should be 1.1.0
######################## VERSION 1.1.0 #######################

# Features

* Strike Craft attack behavior was changed
* It is no longer necessary to control planets to demand them in war, but controlling planets that are set as wargoals now generates more warscore
* It is now possible to set a custom ruler/heir title for your custom empires
* It is now possible to write a biography for your custom empire
* Added an Influence reward for establishing communications, or conversely being contacted
* Collection of strategic resources on planet tiles is no longer suppressed by buildings
* Added settings for AI aggressiveness in the galaxy setup screen
* "Shipwright" mandate for democractic empires has been reworked
* Added resource reward to Raid on Smugglers event
* Individualist empires will no longer generate election candidates with slaver mandates, and Individualist Pops are less likely to vote for candidates with slaver mandates
* Slaver mandate no longer possible if slavery is outlawed
* It is now possible to set difficulty in multiplayer
* Symbols of Domination is now available for everyone
* Platypus species portrait and Paradox empire flag is now available for everyone

# Balance

# Technology
* Technology costs now increase by +10% per owned planet (up from +0%) and by +1% per Pop (down from +2%)
* Unlocking Spaceport technologies now makes you more likely to get research options for new reactor techs
* Spiritualists and Materialists now get tech progress towards Frequency Tuning for researching Space Whales

# Ethics
Fanatic Individualist
* Pops are now more unhappy in collectivist empires
* No longer have increased ethics divergence

* Pops are now more unhappy in collectivist empires
* No longer have increased ethics divergence

Fanatic Xenophobe
* Rivalries now provide 50% more Influence

* Rivalries now provide 25% more Influence

Fanatic Xenophile
* Alliance Influence cost reduced by 100%
* Maximum number of embassies increased by 2

* Alliance Influence cost reduced by 50%
* Maximum number of embassies increased by 1

Fanatic Militarist
* No longer gains additional Influence from rivalries
* No longer have an increased Influence cost for being in an Alliance

* No longer gains additional Influence from rivalries
* No longer have an increased Influence cost for being in an Alliance

Fanatic Pacifist
* Pops are now more unhappy in militarist empires
* No longer increases Food output, but rather reduces growth needed for a new Pop by 30%

* Pops are now more unhappy in militarist empires
* No longer increases Food output, but rather reduces growth needed for a new Pop by 15%

# Components
* Strike Craft engagement range was significantly increased
* Strike Craft launch time reduced from 5 to 3 days
* Fighter movement speed increased from ~2 to 3.5
* Bomber movement speed increased from 1.5 to 3
* Chemical Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +10 to +5
* Ion Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +20 to +10
* Plasma Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +30 to +15
* Impulse Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +40 to +20

# Buildings
* Research Institute modifier to research speed reduced from +10% to +5%
* Colony Shelter modifier to ethics divergence reduced from +20% to +10%

# Government forms
Theocratic Republic
* Additional Core Planets reduced from +2 to +1

Transcendent Republic
* Additional Core Planets reduced from +4 to +2

# Traits
* Aggressive - fire rate bonus reduced from +20% to +10%
* Butcher - army damage bonus reduced from +20% to +10%
* Glory Seeker - army morale damage bonus reduced from +10% to +5%

# Modifiers
* Youthful Elite modifier effect on leader lifespan reduced from +50 to +25 years

# AI

# Misc.
* Computer-controlled Empires will start outlawing AI over time during a certain Crisis
* Increased negative opinion scaling for relative power of subjects
* AI will now colonize far away systems if COLONIZE_NON_ADJACENT define is enabled
* Fixed a bug where the AI would not use planetary edicts due to too small stockpile cap
* Empires that were previously controlled by a player (for example if said player drops in multiplayer) will now refrain from making any major changes to the country for a period of 10 years
* Fixed a bug where AI was modifying their species with bad traits, effectively giving them lots of traits
* Fixed a bug where military focused sectors would not build military stations
* Fixed an issue where the AI would not enslave any Pops

# Diplomacy
* AI will no longer accept a white peace when they are winning in warscore
* AI is now more open to trading access, migration rights and (for some personalities) research treaties
* Fixed a bug where AI would offer peace deals that gave allies' war goals to the player
* Fixed AI spamming the player with military access offers
* AI is now more aggressive against easily defeated targets

# Economy
* Fixed an issue where the AI would not disband ships even when running a heavy energy credit deficit

# Sector
* Respect Tile Resources setting will now prevent sector from building the wrong type of building for a tile regardless of special circumstances
* Improved the way sectors determine which resources the country needs when constructing buildings
* Fixed a bug where sector AI would move Pops back and forth
* Fixed budget issues that were preventing sectors from properly managing spaceports and construction ships

# Warfare
* Improved military tactics and handling of units
* Improved handling of military fleets vs. transport fleets
* AI now fights Crises
* Fixed issues where military fleets would not move
* AI should be better at trying to regain control of occupied planets
* AI should be better at trying to invade planets taken by ""AI uprisings"

# User Interface

* Diplomatic notifications and pop-ups have been improved
* End of combat UI has been improved
* Colony Ships now show which Pop it is carrying
* Localization of armor/shield penetration updated
* If a weapon has both shield penetration and a corresponding reduced damage to shields the two effects are replaced by a single line: "Ignores X% Shields"
* Habitability icons in galaxy map and systems view have been improved
* (BETA) Added a new experimental option for GUI-scaling in the options menu

# User modding

* Ported system for weights/triggers on songs from HoI4/EU4
* Fixed so that effect set_name can use localization system
* Moved Domination victory condition into defines
* Added NOR operator
* Species Appearance screen is now moddable
* Species City Appearance screen is now moddable
* Ship Appearance screen is now moddable
* Added num_energy trigger
* Reading a single on_action entry from multiple files will now append the events to the list entry rather than overwriting it. This should allow more mods to be compatible
* Prescripted countries can now set the attribute "disallow_editing = yes" to disable the edit button in the Empire selection view before game start

# Performance

* Optimized daily AI calculations
* Fixed frame rate drop when having one or more fleets selected

# Graphics
* Lighting for ship preview images has been improved
* 8 new event images added to the game
* Textures for Massive Reptilians have been improved
* Improved textures for space event assets
* Optimized textures for event assets
* Increased texture resolution for ancient drone station
* Optimized textures for pirate ships
* Updated textures for generic station
* Increased texture resolution for AI Core
* Optimized textures for AI ships
* Improved texture for Arthropoid colony ship
* Added cover art for Digital OST

# Bugfixes
* Military Station maintenance is now correctly discounted by 25% instead of increased by 75%
* Fixed negative opinion modifiers being applied to owners of planets that the Prethoryn Scourge is purging
* Extradimensional Invaders should no longer spawn inside Fallen Empire borders
* Reduced chance of generating the Improbable Orbit anomaly
* Fixed the Master's Teachings edicts "Philosophical Mindset" and "Warring States" not being applied after event project finished
* Fixed "Colonial Failure" anomaly event handing out a Colonization tech you already had
* Fixed an issue with the VO not triggering for the mining station tutorial mission
* Researched robot Pops are now always listed, but are not buildable if AI policy is set to Outlawed
* Injured Queen project is now properly cancelled and visual asset removed when another Empire researches it first
* Species Procurement event chain descriptions now correctly refer to planet names
* Various localization bugs have been fixed
* Fixed outdated Avian name list titles in Brazilian Portuguese, French, Polish and Spanish
* Fixed some faction events not printing planet names properly
* Loyalist-affiliated candidates now display proper faction names in Election view
* Fixed observation post events sometimes not printing planet name correctly
* Changed the way native reservations are placed for colony event related to colonizing planets that have primitive natives
* Fixed a bug where missiles could appear on the galaxy map
* Ring World habitability-trait now has proper localization
* Fixed a bug where Destroyer Assembly Yard didn't require the correct Spaceport level to build
* Fixed an issue where trait randomization didn't respect opposing traits
* Fallen Empires are now able to build armies
* Fixed an exploit where you could reduce the cost of resettlement by moving pops around on the same planet
* Newly enlightened countries should no longer be despicable neutrals
* Fixed right click not working to give additional orders while in FTL transit
* Fixed an issue where embassies and rivalries could remain after an empire was annexed
* Fixed an issue where you could always enable edicts
* Fixed Swarm Infestors and Constructors sometimes not reinforcing properly
* Robot Pops should no longer get shuffled ethics from divergence
* Heirs now keep the dynasty name of the ruler in monarchies
* Added missing localization strings for leaders who gained the arrested development trait
* Fixed Power Overwhelming achievement
* Fixed Domo Arigato achievement
* Fixed Elixir of Life anomaly potentially spawning multiple times if not researched
* Fixed Living Metal deposits not being minable
* Fixed Sublight Probe event chain sometimes breaking after combat with the Salvage Skippers
* Fixed being unable to change speed with (-) and (+) on American keyboard
* Fixed bugs related to Ethics Divergence. Pops should no longer drift to "neutral" ethics. Drift towards empire ethics is slower than drifting away from
* Fixed a bug where Frontier Outposts in sectors would cost no influence maintenance
* Fixed a bug where ship_accuracy_add was not being calculated correctly

P.S. Перевод списка изменений на русский язык от Rinso.
  • Очень помог!
Reactions: Gonanda and Daddy
Кстати! Отличная опция сделана в новом патче с планетами в звёздных системах! Теперь, при наличии любых обитаемых планет в системе, их можно циклически прокликивать и смотреть таким образом подробности по ним! Очень и очень удобно! Не надо заходить в системы для этого, как раньше!
Обновил стартовое сообщение...:)

P.S. На тему модов скажу так...их там щас полно. Поэтому если кому интересна тема модов, предлагаю самому полистать мастерскую стима.
Visc, слов нет, как замечательно ты оформил первое сообщение. Просто загляденье! :good2:
Стелларис, увы, не удалась. Но игроков разрабы обмануть сумели. Занизили динамичность игры до критической отметки. В итоге игрок играет долго, потому что игра медленная. Но при этом думает что играет долго, потому что интересная.

Первые 100 ходов на обычной скорости это 10 часов. На самой быстрой 2 часа. А ведь за это время не успеешь изучить и 50 технологий. 20 из них это энергостанции, шахты и лаборатории.

  • Мне нравится
Reactions: DemonSD and Gonanda
Kur-zaz, эм...ну ок :) Не играй.
Kur-zaz, я не большой любитель спорить о вкусах, так что не думай, что я пытаюсь спорить. Суть в том, что Stellaris - это прежде всего атмосфера, это прежде всего игра не на победу, а про копашение в песочнице. И если основная претензия к ней - это низкая динамика, то тут, конечно, не помогут и 10 DLC полюбить эту игру. Stellaris - это отнюдь не про нагиб по сети и, на сколько я знаю Paradox, она никогда этим и не станет. Так что динамики тут не будет никогда, а вот мясом обрасти должна. Что бы на протяжение всей партии не отпускало.:)
  • Полностью согласен!
Reactions: Gonanda and Visc
Ну кстати да, видимо Kur-zaz, не играл в Европу или Крузадер Кингс ?
Песочницы стратегам! Даешь формочки в виде сердечек!
Я пытался сыграть в эту игру быстро с рашами и ранними захватами. В итоге оказалось что вассалы делают 1 армию и отправляют следовать за самой большой твоей. И если у них другой вид двигателя, то они за тобой не последуют. Встанут на какой-нибудь звезде и будут ждать.
Лучший двигатель это гиперпространство. Разделяешь начальный флот на 3 части и отправляешь по всей галактике. Все империи налаживают с тобой контакт. Продаешь им науку за енергию или минералы. Самым дальним кидаешь соперничество и одному войну(10% с милитаризма). Получаешь мега буст к развитию. Захватываешь 1 игрока. У вас сразу общий флот. Потом общим флотом другого и тд. Вообщем таким образом еще можно уложиться в 2 часа.
Смысл ограничивать запасы енергии, если ее можно выменивать у компов за енергию в ход? Разрабы очень плохо думали.
Я пытался сыграть в эту игру быстро с рашами и ранними захватами.
Походу, ты действительно полностью не в теме. По этому поводу уже практически все нюансы были обсуждены на одном форуме. И Stellaris, да, отличается от Civilization V. И если первое твоё сообщение мне понравилось по этому поводу, то второе вызвало лёгкое раздражение. :)
Ты, походу, действительно гребёшь все игры под гребёнку Civ V или ранее выпущенных походовок.
Зная игры от Paradox или хотя бы потрудившись с ними ознакомиться, ты бы понял, что нет никаких рашей у этих игр и быть не может. Если же ты создаёшь этот раш искусственно или пытаешься создать, то это твои проблемы и желания. Пробуй.
Раш реален. Можно обменять научный договор на 1600 минералов. Или 20 минералов в ход на 12.000 минералов. Начать войну и получить минералы в ход, оставив за собой кучу минералов. То есть враг теряет кучу минералов перед войной. Показать это все в видео можно, но время жалко. А когда набираешь вассалов, твоя мощь растет как снежный ком.
  • Мне нравится
Reactions: Gonanda
Kur-zaz, иии....что? Уже же сказали это - песочница. Каждый делает то, что он хочет. Да, возможностей пока поменьше, чем скажем в Европе 4. Но дайте парадоксам время.
  • Полностью согласен!
Reactions: Gonanda
Ах, сколько раз я такое видел, да и сам делал, когда игра оказывается не тем, что ждал и теперь пытаешься всем доказать, что она так себе. Ну бывает, у всех бомбит по разному.
С Вахой сейчас ровно та же история. Сколько недовольства от ожидавших фэнтезийного Аттилу, хотя его им и не обещали. А любители Вахи в это время просто наслаждаются игрой. Сколько видел игры от Paradox, да и пробовал пару раз, динамики там нет вообще. Зато есть своя глубокая, давно продуманная механика игры. Так что в Stellatis ничего нового по сути, только космос. А то что "разработчики плохо думали", ну раз так придумали, значит была причина. Не нравится? Вот вам Steam Workshop, творите на здоровье.
И внимание вопрос. Так к чему все это недовольство?
  • Полностью согласен!
Reactions: Gonanda and Visc
Update 1.1 Clarke is now live!


With this update we also decided to provide following contents for free:
  • Platypus species portrait
  • Paradox empire symbol
  • Symbols of Domination


######################## VERSION 1.1.0 #######################

# Features

* Strike Craft attack behavior was changed
* It is no longer necessary to control planets to demand them in war, but controlling planets that are set as wargoals now generates more warscore
* It is now possible to set a custom ruler/heir title for your custom empires
* It is now possible to write a biography for your custom empire
* Added an Influence reward for establishing communications, or conversely being contacted
* Collection of strategic resources on planet tiles is no longer suppressed by buildings
* Added settings for AI aggressiveness in the galaxy setup screen
* "Shipwright" mandate for democractic empires has been reworked
* Added resource reward to Raid on Smugglers event
* Individualist empires will no longer generate election candidates with slaver mandates, and Individualist Pops are less likely to vote for candidates with slaver mandates
* Slaver mandate no longer possible if slavery is outlawed
* It is now possible to set difficulty in multiplayer
* Symbols of Domination is now available for everyone
* Platypus species portrait and Paradox empire flag is now available for everyone

# Balance

# Technology
* Technology costs now increase by +10% per owned planet (up from +0%) and by +1% per Pop (down from +2%)
* Unlocking Spaceport technologies now makes you more likely to get research options for new reactor techs
* Spiritualists and Materialists now get tech progress towards Frequency Tuning for researching Space Whales

# Ethics
Fanatic Individualist
* Pops are now more unhappy in collectivist empires
* No longer have increased ethics divergence

* Pops are now more unhappy in collectivist empires
* No longer have increased ethics divergence

Fanatic Xenophobe
* Rivalries now provide 50% more Influence

* Rivalries now provide 25% more Influence

Fanatic Xenophile
* Alliance Influence cost reduced by 100%
* Maximum number of embassies increased by 2

* Alliance Influence cost reduced by 50%
* Maximum number of embassies increased by 1

Fanatic Militarist
* No longer gains additional Influence from rivalries
* No longer have an increased Influence cost for being in an Alliance

* No longer gains additional Influence from rivalries
* No longer have an increased Influence cost for being in an Alliance

Fanatic Pacifist
* Pops are now more unhappy in militarist empires
* No longer increases Food output, but rather reduces growth needed for a new Pop by 30%

* Pops are now more unhappy in militarist empires
* No longer increases Food output, but rather reduces growth needed for a new Pop by 15%

# Components
* Strike Craft engagement range was significantly increased
* Strike Craft launch time reduced from 5 to 3 days
* Fighter movement speed increased from ~2 to 3.5
* Bomber movement speed increased from 1.5 to 3
* Chemical Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +10 to +5
* Ion Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +20 to +10
* Plasma Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +30 to +15
* Impulse Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +40 to +20

# Buildings
* Research Institute modifier to research speed reduced from +10% to +5%
* Colony Shelter modifier to ethics divergence reduced from +20% to +10%
* Empire Capital-Complex can now only be built on a capital world

# Government forms
Theocratic Republic
* Additional Core Planets reduced from +2 to +1

Transcendent Republic
* Additional Core Planets reduced from +4 to +2

# Traits
* Aggressive - fire rate bonus reduced from +20% to +10%
* Butcher - army damage bonus reduced from +20% to +10%
* Glory Seeker - army morale damage bonus reduced from +10% to +5%

# Modifiers
* Youthful Elite modifier effect on leader lifespan reduced from +50 to +25 years

# AI

# Misc.
* Computer-controlled Empires will start outlawing AI over time during a certain Crisis
* Increased negative opinion scaling for relative power of subjects
* AI will now colonize far away systems if COLONIZE_NON_ADJACENT define is enabled
* Fixed a bug where the AI would not use planetary edicts due to too small stockpile cap
* Empires that were previously controlled by a player (for example if said player drops in multiplayer) will now refrain from making any major changes to the country for a period of 10 years
* Fixed a bug where AI was modifying their species with bad traits, effectively giving them lots of traits
* Fixed a bug where military focused sectors would not build military stations
* Fixed an issue where the AI would not enslave any Pops

# Diplomacy
* AI will no longer accept a white peace when they are winning in warscore
* AI is now more open to trading access, migration rights and (for some personalities) research treaties
* Fixed a bug where AI would offer peace deals that gave allies' war goals to the player
* Fixed AI spamming the player with military access offers
* AI is now more aggressive against easily defeated targets

# Economy
* Fixed an issue where the AI would not disband ships even when running a heavy energy credit deficit

# Sector
* Respect Tile Resources setting will now prevent sector from building the wrong type of building for a tile regardless of special circumstances
* Improved the way sectors determine which resources the country needs when constructing buildings
* Fixed a bug where sector AI would move Pops back and forth
* Fixed budget issues that were preventing sectors from properly managing spaceports and construction ships

# Warfare
* Improved military tactics and handling of units
* Improved handling of military fleets vs. transport fleets
* AI now fights Crises
* Fixed issues where military fleets would not move
* AI should be better at trying to regain control of occupied planets
* AI should be better at trying to invade planets taken by ""AI uprisings"

# User Interface

* Diplomatic notifications and pop-ups have been improved
* End of combat UI has been improved
* Colony Ships now show which Pop it is carrying
* Localization of armor/shield penetration updated
* If a weapon has both shield penetration and a corresponding reduced damage to shields the two effects are replaced by a single line: "Ignores X% Shields"
* Habitability icons in galaxy map and systems view have been improved
* (BETA) Added a new experimental option for GUI-scaling in the options menu

# User modding

* Ported system for weights/triggers on songs from HoI4/EU4
* Fixed so that effect set_name can use localization system
* Moved Domination victory condition into defines
* Added NOR operator
* Species Appearance screen is now moddable
* Species City Appearance screen is now moddable
* Ship Appearance screen is now moddable
* Added num_energy trigger
* Reading a single on_action entry from multiple files will now append the events to the list entry rather than overwriting it. This should allow more mods to be compatible
* Prescripted countries can now set the attribute "disallow_editing = yes" to disable the edit button in the Empire selection view before game start
* Added an alert to tell the player that a research field is missing a Scientist

# Performance

* Optimized daily AI calculations
* Fixed frame rate drop when having one or more fleets selected

# Graphics
* Lighting for ship preview images has been improved
* 8 new event images added to the game
* Textures for Massive Reptilians have been improved
* Improved textures for space event assets
* Optimized textures for event assets
* Increased texture resolution for ancient drone station
* Optimized textures for pirate ships
* Updated textures for generic station
* Increased texture resolution for AI Core
* Optimized textures for AI ships
* Improved texture for Arthropoid colony ship
* Added cover art for Digital OST

# Bugfixes
* Military Station maintenance is now correctly discounted by 25% instead of increased by 75%
* Fixed negative opinion modifiers being applied to owners of planets that the Prethoryn Scourge is purging
* Extradimensional Invaders should no longer spawn inside Fallen Empire borders
* Reduced chance of generating the Improbable Orbit anomaly
* Fixed the Master's Teachings edicts "Philosophical Mindset" and "Warring States" not being applied after event project finished
* Fixed "Colonial Failure" anomaly event handing out a Colonization tech you already had
* Fixed an issue with the VO not triggering for the mining station tutorial mission
* Researched robot Pops are now always listed, but are not buildable if AI policy is set to Outlawed
* Injured Queen project is now properly cancelled and visual asset removed when another Empire researches it first
* Species Procurement event chain descriptions now correctly refer to planet names
* Various localization bugs have been fixed
* Fixed outdated Avian name list titles in Brazilian Portuguese, French, Polish and Spanish
* Fixed some faction events not printing planet names properly
* Loyalist-affiliated candidates now display proper faction names in Election view
* Fixed observation post events sometimes not printing planet name correctly
* Changed the way native reservations are placed for colony event related to colonizing planets that have primitive natives
* Fixed a bug where missiles could appear on the galaxy map
* Ring World habitability-trait now has proper localization
* Fixed a bug where Destroyer Assembly Yard didn't require the correct Spaceport level to build
* Fixed an issue where trait randomization didn't respect opposing traits
* Fallen Empires are now able to build armies
* Fixed an exploit where you could reduce the cost of resettlement by moving pops around on the same planet
* Newly enlightened countries should no longer be despicable neutrals
* Fixed right click not working to give additional orders while in FTL transit
* Fixed an issue where embassies and rivalries could remain after an empire was annexed
* Fixed an issue where you could always enable edicts
* Fixed Swarm Infestors and Constructors sometimes not reinforcing properly
* Robot Pops should no longer get shuffled ethics from divergence
* Heirs now keep the dynasty name of the ruler in monarchies
* Added missing localization strings for leaders who gained the arrested development trait
* Fixed Power Overwhelming achievement
* Fixed Domo Arigato achievement
* Fixed Elixir of Life anomaly potentially spawning multiple times if not researched
* Fixed Living Metal deposits not being minable
* Fixed Sublight Probe event chain sometimes breaking after combat with the Salvage Skippers
* Fixed being unable to change speed with (-) and (+) on American keyboard
* Fixed bugs related to Ethics Divergence. Pops should no longer drift to "neutral" ethics. Drift towards empire ethics is slower than drifting away from
* Fixed a bug where Frontier Outposts in sectors would cost no influence maintenance
* Fixed a bug where ship_accuracy_add was not being calculated correctly
* Fixed a bug where assigning ethics to newly generated pops would cause incorrect ethics divergence.
* Custom ruler and heir titles will now be properly saved and loaded.
* Fixed armies being stuck on planets
* Planets recaptured from the AI empire will no longer randomly become Tundra worlds
* Fixed the AI empire having highly self-destructive ideas about AI legality

The next major update (Asimov) is already in the works and we hope to release it late this month.
  • Очень помог!
Reactions: Gonanda
Я так понимаю, большие пушки всегда лучше мелких? Ну т.е. допустим лучше иметь 1 большую, чем 3 маленьких. ДПМ вроде тот же, но у большой радиус больше. Или я что-то не учитываю?
DemonSD, зависит от типа вооружения. Чем больше пушка, тем ниже зачастую точность. А толк от дальности и огневой мощи, если не попадаешь? Кроме того, благодаря дебильной боевой механике дальность даст тебе 1, максимум 2 залпа, после чего твои корабли благополучно сблизятся с врагом вплотную и начнётся мясорубка.

Да и вообще, все пушки, лазеры и прочая ересь в игре - ни о чём. Ибо на данный момент баланс типов оружия где-то в районе абсолютного нуля. Только торпеды (вот их и впрямь лучше покрупнее калибром ставить при возможности, ЕСЛИ у врага на кораблях нет ПРО. если есть - наоборот, кучу мелких торпедок - их ПРО тогда не успевает обрабатывать толпу целей и большинство торпед долетает), ну или дроны (имхо, больше для прикола, но всё же).
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Если кому-то интересно, можно воспользоваться чит-кодами: Console commands - Stellaris Wiki
Включается консоль и набирается чит-код.
Корвет - лучшее соотношение оборонительных качеств к цене и флоту. У меня 1500 брони на 1 единицу флота и 6.1 брони на единицу минералов. При пво пушках дает иммунитет флоту против ракет и истребителей.
Эсминец - 0.05 показатель мощи; 2.6 брони на минерал. 720 брони на единицу флота.
Крейсер - 0.04 показатель мощи; 2.7 брони на минерал. 750 брони на единицу флота.
Линкор - 0.5 показатель мощи; 1.2 брони на минерал. 362 брони на единицу флота.

Линкоры обладают аурами. Желательно иметь при себе 6 линкоров с разрными аурами для максимального эффекта. Но апгрейживать 6 проектов корабля очень муторно.
Крейсера лучше эсминцев. Они лучше прикрываются под корветами и выше шанс выжить раза в 2 чем у эсминца. Лечебные ауры дают больше эффекта.

Лучшие корабли это все же корветы. Очень много бонусов понижающих их стоимость. На ровном месте можно сбрить стоимость в 2 раза. Недорогой флот из 20 кораблей способен связать боем вражескую армаду и надолго замедлить.
  • Очень помог!
Reactions: Gonanda
Корветы понерфили в кларке. Поэтому надо щас смотреть насколько они остались эффективными. Ну и плюс в будущем обещают XL орудия, которые вроде только на линкоры будут ставиться.
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Reactions: Gonanda
Хорошая новость! Rikard Åslund on Twitter
В патче "Азимов" запланировано, что количество планет под управлением игрока будет соответствовать количеству систем. Например, если в 5-ти системах будет 12 колонизированных планет, значит ими мы и будем управлять лично. Если 7 - значит управлять лично будет 7-ю планетами. Отлично!
Ты имеешь ввиду что будут считать не каждая планета в отдельности, а вся система сразу, в счётчик управляемых лично? И в 5 лично управляемых системах могут быть от 5 до бесконечности планет заселённых?
ingverd, имхо именно так. Т.е. теперь пункт "кол-во планет под управлением игрока" будет звучать как "кол-во систем под управлением игрока".
  • Полностью согласен!
Reactions: Gonanda

Hello everyone and welcome to another Stellaris development diary. Today we will once again be talking about the Asimov 1.2 patch, that is planned to be released before the end of June. Last week's dev diary covered most of the diplomatic changes, here we'll be covering a variety of other changes and additions, though it will by no means be an exhaustive list. Full patch notes will be posted at some point before the patch is made available to the public, and include a large number of balance changes, bug fixes and UI improvements.

Better Looking Battles

One thing we were not quite happy with in the release of Stellaris is the way battles look - when small numbers of ships are engaged, it generally looks fine, but large fleet battles turn into disorganized heaps of ships, or 'beeswarms' as they have been described by players. A number of mods (such as the Beautiful Battles mod) emerged quickly to tweak this part of the game, and we've been looking at them for inspiration on how to improve the battle visuals. We plan to look more in detail at ship roles and fleet engagements in the future, but for Asimov we've made the following changes:
- The range of all weapons have been increased, so that fleets will engage at longer ranges and spend more time advancing at each other before close-up engagements happen.
- Combat computers were changed from Aggressive and Defensive into Swarm and Bombardment computers, to better describe their roles. Ships with Swarm computers will move in closely and engage, similar to old combat behaviour, and have bonuses to damage, speed and evasion. Ships with Bombardment computers will advance into weapons range and then slowly drift towards the enemy until they have range with all of their weapons, and have bonuses to accuracy, fire speed and weapons range.
- The default combat behaviour of ships was changed from that of orbiting 'swarm' mode into one where they make passes at the enemy and attempt to engage with 'broadsides', which should help make large battles look like less of an angry beeswarm unless all ships involved are using aggressive computers.

Map Modes

A highly requested feature ever since release has been the addition of more map modes, so that players can more easily keep track of things such as who their allies are, which empires they are at war with, or who has a positive attitude towards them. For Asimov, we've added a map modes feature with fully scriptable map modes that let modders at their own map modes, with three new map modes coming as part of the patch:
- Diplomatic Map Mode: Shows diplomatic relations with other Empires, such as whether you are at war, are allies with them, or are blocked from entering their borders.
- Opinion Map Mode: Shows their opinion of you.
- Attitude Map Mode: Shows the AI's attitude towards you.

Nomad Fleets

Another feature that we decided to expand on for Asimov is Space Nomads. A rather rare encounter in the base game, all they do is share contacts with other empires, and we felt they're an interesting concept that can be used in far better ways. Nomads are now a roaming fleet that can enter the galaxy sometime during the course of the game, and will then plot a course through the galaxy, visiting a variety of locations before they leave it again for destinations unknown. If they pass through your space on the way, they may interact with you in a variety of ways, such as offering to sell you some ships, or requesting permission to settle some of their people within your borders.

Slave Factions

As you likely know if you've been reading these forums, slaves were not intended to be as docile as they were in the release of the game, but rather we had to cut slave revolts for lack of time because slaves were completely unmanageable and threatened to make the feature entirely useless. For Asimov, we've reworked the Slaves faction into a pair of factions called the Docile and Malcontent Slave Factions. As the names imply, Docile Slaves are slaves that are relatively content with their lot in life, and will at most demand that regulations are placed on the worst excesses suffered by slaves, while Malcontent Slaves are far more riotous and will demand their freedom. There is also an Aboltionist factions that can be joined by free pops who are sympathetic to the plights of the slaves.

New Wargoals

Something that has been frequently requested is more variety in the wargoals you can use on others, so that war can happen for other reasons than simply to transfer territory. This is an area we'll be looking at fleshing out long-term, but for Asimov we've added at least a few new wargoals to spice things up:
- Make Tributary: You can now take tributaries in war. Tributaries is a type of subject that pays 20% of their Energy and Mineral income to their overlord, but do not join their overlord's wars and are free to declare their own wars and colonize planets.
- Abandon Planet: If you have Purge policies allowed, you can force an enemy to abandon a planet, killing all pops on that planet in the process.
- Humiliate: You can humiliate enemy empires, making them suffer a negative modifier and giving you a chunk of influence.
- Open Borders: Forces the other Empire to open their borders towards you for 10 years.
- Stop Atrocity: Forces the other Empire to ban slavery and purging.

Diplomatic Incidents

A big part of the aim with the Asimov patch is to make the diplomatic game more interesting, and have more interaction between neighbouring empires. Diplomatic Incidents is a series of events that can occur between empires which shake up relations, usually related to the actions of one empire towards the others. An example is that an empire might suspect that a foreign science ship surveying inside their borders is there to spy on them, and will demand humiliating assurances from the owning empire that their secrets are safe, or else close their borders to the 'transgressor'.

That's it for today! Next week will be the last development diary before we all disappear on vacation, and will talk about what the future holds for Stellaris.

fight.png mapmods.png nomad.png
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Reactions: Gonanda
Сжато о том, что написано в сообщении выше. Только факты и полезная информация, без воды, которую льют разработчики в своих дневниках. :smile:
Дневник разработчиков № 37: патч "Азимов", часть вторая.

Патч планируется к выходу до конца месяца.
Красивые бои

  • дальность всех видов вооружения повышена;
  • боевые компьютеры теперь переименованы от "агрессивный" и "защитный" в "Рой" (Swarm) и "Артиллерийский" (Bombardment). Первые сокращают дистанцию и атакуют, получая бонусы к урону, уклонению и скорости. Вторые сближаются на дистанцию ведения огня и медленно дрейфуют к противнику пока он не окажется в радиусе действия всего вооружения. Они получают бонусы к точности, дальности оружия и скорости его стрельбы;
  • базовый боевой компьютер теперь пытается проходить сквозь строй противника и атаковать "бортовыми залпами". Таким образом, в бою будет участвовать больше кораблей.
Новые режимы карты
  • дипломатическая, показывающая альянсы, противников и т.п.;
  • карта мнения и карта отношений, показывающие отношение ИИ к вам.
Флоты кочевников
  • Редкое событие. Иногда флоты кочевников пролетают сквозь галактику, по пути посещая некоторые системы. Если пролетают около игрока, то могут предложить прикупить корабликов, принять поселенцев и т.п..
Фракции рабов
  • Будут две фракции: послушные и недовольные рабы. Вторые могут восстать.
Новые цели войны
  • репарации в виде 20% энергии и минералов;
  • требование покинуть планету;
  • унижение (дает влияние унижателю и "негативный модификатор" унижаемому);
  • требование открыть границы;
  • требование прекратить кошмарить народ и запретить рабство и чистки.
Дипломатические инциденты
  • Это события, которые могут влиять на отношения между империями. Обычно привязаны к действиям на карте. Например, изучающий систему на территории соседа научный корабль может быть заподозрен в шпионаже.
Следующий дневник будет последним до ухода разработчиков в отпуск. В нём будет подробно освещено будущее игры.
В steam доступна бета-версия патча 1.2.0 "Азимов"!
Ужасающе потрясающий список изменений (в хорошем смысле)!
####################### VERSION 1.2.0 ########################

# Special thanks to Magne "Meneth" Skjæran for helping out with the Map Modes

# Features

# Important
* Added Defensive Pact diplomatic action that allows you to form a defensive alliance with another empire.
* Non-Aggression Pact, Migration Treaty, Support Independence and Guarantee Independence are now diplomatic actions instead of trade deals.
* Removed embassies and replaced it with Trust. Trust builds over time from having active diplomatic treaties (such as a Non-Aggression Pact or Alliance) and increases opinion by up to +100.
* Federations now vote on wars and new members.
* Federation members now give 20% of their Navy Capacity to the Federation, which makes up the Federation Navy Capacity.
* Federation fleets no longer cost maintenance, but cannot exceed the Federation Navy Capacity in size.
* You can now kick alliance and federation members with a majority vote action.
* Sending a favorable trade deal (such as a gift) will now increase the opinion of the other empire by up to +100
* You can now set a War Philosophy policy. This policy determines what type of wargoals you can use
* Removed War Economy policy
* Colonzing Planets and building Frontier Outposts now costs Influence based on the distance to your closest owned system
* Border are now Open to everyone by default, but can be Closed through a Diplomatic Action. Empires will Close Borders to Rivals by default and Fallen Empires will never Open Borders
* Happiness is now a linear modifier, with levels above 50% giving bonuses and levels below 50% giving penalties
* All Ship Weapons have had their range doubled
* Added Diplomatic, Opinion, and AI Attitude Map Modes. Map Modes are easily moddable and more can be added through mods, but it will affect the checksum

# General
* Ship Designs with excess power gain a small bonus to damage, speed and evasion
* Grand Admiral achievement now requires a combined fleet power of 100.000 instead of having dealt 100.000 damage in a ship combat
* Alliances and Federations can now vote to kick a member. For the vote to be successful, ( 50% of members + 1 ) need to vote yes (so 3 members in an alliance of 4, for example)
* Ship Combat Computers behavior has been changed. Aggressive behavior is now called Swarm behavior and Defensive behavior is now called Bombardment behavior
* Added Visitor Center building and associated technology that is available to Xenophile empires
* Added Symbol of Unity building and associated technology that is available to Spiritualist empires
* Fleet merging has been improved and should prioritize certain fleets better
* Spaceports can now be dismantled
* Natural Beauty planet modifier effect on habitability removed. Instead the modifier now affects planet migration attraction by +25%
* Taking a Tributary now makes you guarantee their independence for 10 years without cost
* Migration Time was changed into Migration Speed
* Base Ethics Divergence has been changed and capital buildings have been adjusted accordingly. It is no longer possible to avoid Ethics Divergence by not working the Reassembled Ship Shelter
* Added Regulated Slavery policy option
* Civilian Ship designs are updated with shields and armor technologies
* Frontier Outposts are destroyed if the last owned planet in a system changes owner through war
* Strike Craft attack and movement pattern was charged to be more swarm-like
* Strike Craft ship count increased from 4 to 8, and damage has been rescaled accordingly
* Galactic Ambitions technology no longer provides Survey Data for empires you have contacted

# New - Wargoals
* Make Tributary: You can now take tributaries in war. Tributaries are a type of subject that pays 20% of their Energy Credits and Mineral income to their overlord, but do not join their overlord's wars and are free to declare their own wars and colonize planets
* Abandon Planet: If your policies allow Purging you can force an enemy to abandon a planet, killing all pops on that planet in the process
* Humiliate: You can humiliate enemy empires, making them suffer a negative modifier for a time and giving you a chunk of influence
* Open Borders: Forces the other Empire to open their borders to you for 10 years
* Stop Atrocity: Forces the other Empire to ban slavery and purging

# New - Space Nomads
* Nomads have been completely reworked and expanded for the mid-game
* This non-player faction travels from one end of the galaxy to the other, encountering empires and triggering events

# New - Diplomatic Incidents
* Certain actions and circumstances can now cause Diplomatic Incident events between Empires in the mid-game

# New - Slave Factions
* Removed the old Slave faction
* Added the Docile Slaves faction made up of relatively content slaves
* Docile Slaves faction has fairly mild Support Effects
* Docile Slaves faction demands Regulated Slavery policy
* Added the Malcontent Slaves faction made up of unhappy slaves
* Malcontent Slaves faction has fairly harsh Support Effects, indluding empire-wide rebellion
* Malcontent Slaves faction demands freedom for all slaves
* Added Emancipation faction for non-slave Pops
* Emancipation faction strengthens the Malcontent Slaves
* Pop ethos influences which faction Pops join when enslaved, and the decision "sticks" to them for a time
* Enslaved Pops move between the two factions, with dissatisfied slaves gravitating toward the Malcontent Slaves

# Balance

# General
* Base Happiness reduced from 60% to 50%
* Habitability of Planet Classes two steps removed from your species' primary type increased from 20% to 40%
* Reduced chance of post-combat Admiral events firing by a factor of 5
* Leaders will no longer gain any additional traits from leveling up if they already have 3 or more
* Newly spawned pops are now more likely to take their ethics from pops of the same species
* The Ruler Savior modifier duration from The Ransomeers event has been reduced from 100 years to 5 years
* The Grand Design modifier from Void Unclouded event is no longer permanent and now gives +10% Happiness for 20 years
* Propaganda edict can now be used by everyone. Fanatic Collectivists were previously prevented from using it
* Mineral Deficit effect increased from -33% to -50% and now also affects research speed
* Energy Credits Deficit effect increased from -33% to -50% and now also affects Robot output by -50%
* Comet Sighted event effect on happiness reduced from +15%/-15% to +10%/-10%
* Migration Treaties no longer affect Pop Happiness

# Ethics
* In general, fanatic versions are now 3 times as stronger than non-fanatic ethics

Fanatic Individualist
* Energy Credits output reduced from +20% to +15%

* Energy Credits output reduced from +10% to +5%
* Slavery Tolerance reduced from -50% to -33%

Fanatic Collectivist
* Food requirement increased from -10% to -15%

* Slavery Tolerance reduced from +50% to +33%

Fanatic Xenophobe
* Xenophobia reduced from 20% to 15%
* Rival Influence Gain increased from +50% to +75%

* Xenophobia reduced from 10% to 5%
* Alien Slavery Tolerance reduced from +50% to +33%

Fanatic Xenophile
* Xenophobia reduced from -20% to -15%
* Alliance Influence cost effect removed
* Max Embassies effect removed
* (NEW) Diplomatic Influence Cost reduced by 75%
* (NEW) Rival Influence gain is reduced by 75%

* Xenophobia reduced from -10% to -5%
* Alliance Influence cost effect removed
* Max Embassies effect removed
* (NEW) Diplomatic Influence Cost reduced by 25%
* (NEW) Rival Influence gain is reduced by 25%

Fanatic Militarist
* Army Damage effect removed
* (NEW) Max Rivalries increased by 3
* (NEW) Ship Damage increased by 10%
* (NEW) Trust growth reduced by 60%

* War Happiness increased from +5% to +10%
* Army Damage effect removed
* (NEW) Max Rivalries increased by 1
* (NEW) Ship Damage increased by 3%
* (NEW) Trust growth reduced by 20%

Fanatic Pacifist
* Growth Requirement effect removed
* Army Damage effect removed
* War Happiness reduced from -20% to -15%
* (NEW) Peace Happiness increased by +15%
* (NEW) Max Rivalries reduced by 3 (cannot have rivals)
* (NEW) Trust growth increased by 75%

* Growth Requirement effect removed
* Army Damage effect removed
* War Happiness reduced from -10% to -5%
* (NEW) Peace Happiness increased by +5%
* (NEW) Max Rivalries reduced by 1
* (NEW) Trust growth increased by 25%

Fanatic Spiritualist
* Happiness effect removed
* (NEW) Ethics Divergence reduced by -30%
* (NEW) Growth Requirement reduced by -15%

* Happiness effect removed
* (NEW) Ethics Divergence reduced by -10%
* (NEW) Growth Requirement reduced by -5%

Fanatic Materialist
* Physics, Society and Engineering output increased from +10% to +15%

# Modifiers
* Youthful Elite modifier effect on Leader Lifespan reduced from +25 to +10 years
* Youthful People modifier effect on Happiness reduced from +5% to +3%
* Natural Beauty planet modifier effect on happiness reduced from +15% to +5%

# Components
* Increased the engagement range of strike craft from 80 to 120
* Strike Craft rebuild speed improved from 1 per month to 4 per month
* All Laser Weapons have had their armor penetration reduced from 50% to 33%
* Plasma Weapons have had their armor penetration reduced from 100% to 75%
* Most Projectile Weapons now deal +15% damage vs. Shields

Small Red Laser
* Accuracy increased from 82% to 90%

Medium Red Laser
* Accuracy increased from 80% to 85%

Large Red Laser
* Max damage increased from 41 to 43
* Accuracy increased from 75% to 80%

Small Blue Laser
* Max damage reduced from 12 to 11
* Accuracy increased from 82% to 90%

Medium Blue Laser
* Accuracy increased from 80% to 85%

Large Blue Laser
* Max damage increased from 47 to 48
* Accuracy increased from 75% to 80%

Small UV Laser
* Max damage reduced from 13 to 12
* Accuracy increased from 82% to 90%

Medium UV Laser
* Max damage reduced from 27 to 26
* Accuracy increased from 80% to 85%

Large UV Laser
* Max damage increased from 57 to 56
* Accuracy increased from 75% to 80%

Small XRAY Laser
* Max damage reduced from 15 to 13
* Accuracy increased from 82% to 90%

Medium XRAY Laser
* Max damage reduced from 31 to 30
* Accuracy increased from 80% to 85%

Large XRAY Laser
* Max damage increased from 66 to 63
* Accuracy increased from 75% to 80%

Small Gamma Laser
* Max damage reduced from 16 to 14
* Accuracy increased from 82% to 90%

Medium Gamma Laser
* Max damage reduced from 36 to 33
* Accuracy increased from 80% to 85%

Large Gamma Laser
* Max damage increased from 76 to 71
* Accuracy increased from 75% to 80%

Particle Lance
* Armor penetration reduced from 100% to 75%

Tachyon Lance
* Armor penetration reduced from 100% to 75%

Large Fusion Missiles
* Max damage increased from 55 to 57

Medium Antimatter Missiles
* Max damage increased from 33 to 34

Large Antimatter Missiles
* Max damage increased from 62 to 65

Medium Quantum Missiles
* Max damage increased from 37 to 39

Large Quantum Missiles
* Max damage increased from 68 to 72

Medium Marauder Missiles
* Min damage increased from 24 to 25

Large Marauder Missiles
* Damage increased from [48 to 80] to [50 to 83]

Sentinel Point-Defense
* Accuracy reduced from 40% to 20%
* Range increased from 8 to 10

Barrier Point-Defense
* Accuracy reduced from 40% to 30%
* Range increased from 8 to 10

Guardian Point-Defense
* Range increased from 8 to 10

# Resources
* Doubled the spawn rate of Garanthium Ore, Lythuric Gas, Engos Vapor, Teldar Crystals, Pitharan Dust, Orillium Ore and Satramene Gas

# End Game Crisis
* End-Game Crises fleets are now significantly tougher
* End-Game Crises now occur later on average, with the earliest appearances of the Prethoryn Scourge and Unbidden being delayed by at least 50 years compared to 1.1
* Extradimensional Invaders will now reinforce more aggressively
* Extradimensional Invader Portal has had its base Hull Points tripled

# Governments
* Democratic governments have had their election terms increased to 10 years

Military Republic
* Ship Upkeep effect removed
* War Happiness effect removed
* Army Upkeep increased from -10% to -20%
* (NEW) Army Damage increased by 10%
* (NEW) Military Station build cost reduced by 15%
* (NEW) Military Station damage increased by 10%

Martial Demarchy
* Ship Upkeep effect removed
* War Happiness effect removed
* Army Upkeep increased from -20% to -40%
* (NEW) Army Damage increased by 20%
* (NEW) Military Station build cost reduced by 30%
* (NEW) Military Station damage increased by 20%

Military Junta
* Ship build cost effect removed
* (NEW) Ship Upkeep reduced by 5%
* (NEW) Admiral starting level increased by 1

Ordered Stratocracy
* Ship build cost effect removed
* (NEW) Ship Upkeep reduced by 10%
* (NEW) Admiral starting level increased by 2

Military Dictatorship
* Ship Upkeep effet removed
* Naval Capacity effect reduced from +20% to +10%
* (NEW) Ship build cost reduced by 10%
* (NEW) Rivalry Influence Gain increased by 25%

Martial Empire
* Ship Upkeep effet removed
* Naval Capacity effect reduced from +40% to +20%
* (NEW) Ship build cost reduced by 20%
* (NEW) Rivalry Influence Gain increased by 50%

Theocratic Republic
* Ethics Divergence effect removed
* Core Systems effect removed
* (NEW) Happiness increased by 5%
* (NEW) Food Requirement reduced by 10%

Transcendent Republic
* Ethics Divergence effect removed
* Core Systems effect removed
* (NEW) Happiness increased by 10%
* (NEW) Food Requirement reduced by 20%

Theocratic Oligarchy
* Ethics Divergence effect removed
* Leader Influence cost effect removed
* (NEW) Leader Lifespan increased by 20 years
* (NEW) Resettlement Cost reduced by 15%

Transcendent Oligarchy
* Ethics Divergence effect removed
* Leader Influence cost effect removed
* (NEW) Leader Lifespan increased by 40 years
* (NEW) Resettlement Cost reduced by 30%

Divine Mandate
* Slavery Tolerance effect removed
* Resettlement Cost effect removed
* (NEW) Edict Influence cost reduced by 15%
* (NEW) Edict duration increased by 15%
* (NEW) Ethics Divergence reduced by 10%

Transcendent Empire
* Slavery Tolerance effect removed
* Resettlement Cost effect removed
* (NEW) Edict Influence cost reduced by 30%
* (NEW) Edict duration increased by 30%
* (NEW) Ethics Divergence reduced by 20%

Direct Democracy
* Core Systems effect removed
* (NEW) Happiness increased by 5%
* (NEW) Leader Experience Gain increased by 15%

Subconscious Consensus
* Core Systems effect removed
* (NEW) Happiness increased by 10%
* (NEW) Leader Experience Gain increased by 30%

Despotic Hegemony
* Survey Speed effect removed
* (NEW) Research Station cost reduced by 25%

Neural Network Administration
* Survey Speed effect removed
* (NEW) Research Station cost reduced by 50%

Moral Democracy
* Happiness effect removed
* (NEW) Leader Pool increased by 1
* (NEW) Empire Leader Cap increased by 1
* (NEW) Core Systems increased by 2

Irenic Democracy
* Happiness effect removed
* (NEW) Leader Pool increased by 2
* (NEW) Empire Leader Cap increased by 2
* (NEW) Core Systems increased by 4

Peaceful Beaurocracy
* Leader Pool effect removed
* Leader Influence Cost effect removed
* Empire Leader Cap effect removed
* (NEW) Core Systems increased by 5

Irenic Protectorate
* Leader Pool effect removed
* Leader Influence Cost effect removed
* Empire Leader Cap effect removed
* (NEW) Core Systems increased by 10

Enlightened Monarchy
* Edict duration reduced from +25% to +15%
* Edict cost reduced from -25% to -15%
* Core Systems increased from +1 to +2

Irenic Monarchy
* Edict duration reduced from +50% to +30%
* Edict cost reduced from -50% to -30%
* Core Systems increased from +2 to +4

Indirect Democracy
* Leader Influence cost reduced from -10% to -15%

Democratic Utopia
* Leader Influence cost reduced from -10% to -30%

Plutocratic Oligarchy
* (NEW) Mining Station build cost reduced by 25%

Mega Corporation
* (NEW) Mining Station build cost reduced by 50%

Despotic Empire
* Slavery Tolerance effect removed
* (NEW) Building construction cost reduced by 15%

Star Empire
* Slavery Tolerance effect removed
* (NEW) Building construction cost reduced by 30%

# Leaders

# Factions

# Technology

# Units
* Colony Ship mineral cost now depends on components and is no longer static
* Private Colony Ship now costs 50% of Colony Ship, but in Energy Credits
* Private Colony Ship cost now depends on components and is no longer static

# War

# AI

# Misc
* AI Empires will start outlawing AI Robotics over time during a certain Crisis
* AI Empires no longer pick "dialogue-only" event options in diplomatic events
* Fixed AI colonizing holy worlds despite not having the strength to tackle the Fallen Empire protecting them under some circumstances
* Fixed a bug where the AI would not upgrade federation fleets
* AI now creates auto-generated designs for federation ships
* AI now builds federation fleets
* AI will open borders during end-game crises
* AI now dismantles non-sentient robots if they are unemployed
* AI no longer build robots if unemployment exists or pop would be unemployed
* AI and sectors now upgrade military stations
* Fixed bug where the AI would not upgrades spaceports if there already existed a max-level spaceport in the empire
* AI will now cancel follow fleet orders if target fleet's system has more hostiles than they can take on
* Fixed a bug where AI didn't choose the species with highest damage when building a new army

# Sector
* Sectors should now build and appropriately handle special buildings (such as +Happiness buildings)
* Sector AI will now abort spaceport construction if hostiles are nearby
* All sectors will now build military stations
* Fixed a bug that could cause the sector AI to sometimes not build buildings
* Fixed a bug where player could give resources to sectors and sectors could store resources over cap
* Fixed a bug where sectors try to build stations by a planet that the empire already is building a station by

# Diplomacy
* AI allies will now be upset if you vote down their proposals, and may leave the alliance or attempt to kick you
* AI is now less selfish when selecting wargoals

#End Game Crises
* Crises empires are more aggressive and computer-controller Empires respond more aggressively to the Prethoryn Scourge

# User Interface

* Weapons that cannot be evaded are now properly labeled
* Added ALT+B shortcut for opening the help browser in-game
* Heir portrait in government view is no longer offset incorrectly
* Attacking general portrait in planet view is no longer offset incorrectly
* Portraits in resettlement view, multiplayer lobby and genetic modification are no longer offset incorrectly
* "Construction queue completed" message now only triggers for space ports in directly controlled systems
* Diplomacy view now shows the leader name, species and trait of the nation you're communicating with
* Now possible to see information about the wars empires are having in diplomatic status
* You are now able to see how much minerals you gain from your subjects, and how much you pay as a subject
* No longer possible to dismiss an alliance vote message
* Fixed so you get some descriptive text for alliance vote messages
* Implemented a diplomacy status which lists everyone guaranteeing the country
* Armies and fleet construction now automatically opens when entering the assocatied tabs in planet view
* Fixed so that you get a context menu when right-clicking systems while the fleet is in FTL
* Power in a ship design is now shown as green if you have excess power, and red if you have too little
* Buildings that can be upgraded but you lack the resources to upgrade now show a grey upgrade arrow
* Ship view is now drag-able by the header line
* Galaxy view now goes all the way to the left when hiding
* Galaxy view selected empire government type no longer overlaps the founder species ethics
* Empire view now goes all the way to the left when hiding
* Trust status in diplomacy view now has a background and is aligned like the other elements
* Open and Close Borders diplomatic action is now shown even if not clickable due to access control
* Diplomatic actions in diplomacy now sort based on possibility

# User modding

# Misc.
* Browser base URL is now set in defines instead hard-coded
* Fixed so that boolean effects print to the error log when receiving bad values
* Fixed so fallen_empire_initializers.txt script uses effect instead of referencing last_created_fleet
* Added a check for set_graphical_culture to make sure the graphical culture exists
* Fixed so that create_ship effect reports errors when writing unsupported variables
* Added an error for when set_owner fails to evaluate a country
* Fixed so that variables not read in create_fleet and set_location effects are reported as unexpected
* Added new localization promotions
* Added new localization functions in SpeciesScope; GetNamePlural, GetClass, GetClassPlural, GetNameInsult, GetNamePluralInsult, GetNameCompliment, GetNamePluralCompliment, GetSpawnName, GetSpawnNamePlural, GetOrganName, GetMouthName, GetRandomSpeciesSound
* Added new localization function in LeaderScope: GetRulerTitle
* Fixed an issue with random_owned_fleet effect
* Added every_owned_fleet effect to complement random_owned_fleet
* Implemented a guarantee_country effect
* Improved the begin_event_chain to print more errors when failing and load order independence
* Fixed so that create_species effect attempts to randomize a namelist from the uplifted version of the species class
* has_established_communications = { who = from } was changed to has_established_communications = from for consistency
* Fixed so that the create_pop effect uses a proper event target for specifying ethos
* Implemented set_closed_borders effect to set if a country has borders opened/closed towards another country
* Added every_subject, random_subject effects
* Description for can_control_access_for now shows reasons why
* Added an effect variable to create_country effects, which should be used instead of referencing last_created_country
* Implemented an effect variable for create_fleet, which should be used instead of referencing the fleet immediately after using last_created_fleet
* Added support for effectButtonType in container windows
* Implemented a "on_planet_surveyed" onaction
* Unified so that owned pops trigger is generated in the same way as the effect
* Added clear_resources effect
* Added set_species_homeworld effect
* Fixed so that boolean effects print to the error log when receiving bad values
* Added support to be able to use weights to decide how the AI builds buildings
* Purge effect now actually purges all pops, previously it only purged pops of the same species as the first pop in the planet
* Improved how ship data can be scripted in country types

# Triggers
* Adding heir = yes to a kill_leader = { type = ruler } effect will now kill heir instead of ruler
* Added scripted trigger "is_robot" checking if a pop is a non-sentient robot
* Added calc_true_if trigger
* Added trigger has_spaceport_construction
* Added trigger is_researching_technology
* Added is_subject and is_overlord triggers
* Added any_subject trigger
* is_same_species now compares the identity of the two species
* Added is_exact_same_species that works like is_same_species used to work
* Fixed an issue with the potential trigger in country edicts not always hiding the edicts
* Added minerals ><= trigger
* Updated some trigger_docs documentation

# Performance

* Fixed a stall that could happen with large sectors
* Improved performance in factions view
* Improved performance in fleet view
* Improved performance in Sector AI's monthly updates
* Minor improvements in AI calculations

# Bugfixes

* Leader death chance tooltip now displays correctly for leaders with non-standard Lifespan
* Fixed some cases where technology research would end up before special projects in the tech queue, causing some weird issues
* Fixed so that the progress rate of special projects in the situation log entry tooltip shows the correct value
* Fixed so you get mouseover effects for "track on map/"stop tracking" button in situation log
* Fixed bug where sector outliner members icons would flicker when list is rebuilt
* Fixed bug where where outliner integration would be constantly created/deleted
* Save games will now be saved in the same folder as they where loaded from
* Fixed a bug where random_planet_within_border effect would scope to invalid planets
* Fixed a crash when canceling construction for inexistent spaceports
* Fixed so you can't build military stations within someone elses borders unless you're allied or at war
* Fixed multitudes of Sentinel nations spawning during the Prethoryn Scourge crisis
* "Change of Heart" colony event and Xeno Integration tech weights no longer count non-sentient robots as alien pops
* "Grimacing" anomaly will no longer result in too-large habitable planets
* "Mothballed Fleet" event will no longer spawn a fleet that is permanently missing in action
* Fixed so the edict "Master's Teachings: Warring States" correctly grants 10% larger naval capacity
* Can no longer play galactic abolitionist and emancipate pops on planets you do not own
* Purge tooltips now give the correct information for robots
* Species list during game setup no longer animates at start
* Fixed an edge case where a Nationalist faction would seek to be repatriated to the empire it already belongs to
* Fixed issues with bad deposits ending up on tiles, also made a savegame fix to repair previously broken savegames
* Fixed so you cannot build Frontier Outposts within the territory of others
* Fixed so that vassals cannot give you borders if their overlord has closed borders against you
* Fixed Fleet command buttons and leader be off screen with large enough fleet and high UI scaling
* Planet view now scales correctly with UI scaling
* Fixed a bug where colonzation and tile blocker technologies were incorrectly weighted after repeatable techs instead of their own tech groups
* Randomly generated species will no longer have a negative sum of traits
* You now get notifications when other countries leave your alliance or federation
* Changing government from one monarchy to another no longer kills your heir
* Crisis countries and Fallen Empires now count towards Conquest victory, and have to be destroyed before it can be achieved (if they exist on the map)
* Right-clicking on a country shield now actually goes to homeworld rather than home system
* Can now properly see health of fleets of uncontacted empires if they are within sensor range
* Fallen Empires should no longer attempt to re-contact empires they already have communications with
* Fixed robot pops joining the AI Uprising when not yet fully grown
* Fixed CTD related to strike craft of killed carrier
* Pops will no longer be xenophobic against gene-manipulated version of their species
* Fixed so that fleets stuck in FTL will go MIA if they have no path back to their empire
* Fixed a bug where the resettlement screen didn't show all planets
* Fixed a bug where player couldn't surrender in war
* Empire-unique buildings are now destroyed when changing owner if the owner already has a building of that type
* Reassembled Ship Shelters are now properly removed from planets without owners
* Fixed a bug where the ship designer didn't add armor and shields to some ship sizes
* Fixed a bug where ships could get stuck between two stations in combat
* Fixed a bug where ending a war ended non-war-related occupation
* Fixed a bug where the message after losing an invasion was sent to the owner instead of controller

# Graphics

* The galaxy background used in solar systems now change depending on type of star and star's position in the galaxy
* Aura effects should now be slightly smaller and less intrusive
* Fixed an issue where a gun would float next to the Arthropoid Hope Breaker Destroyer section
* Fixed an issue where a mammalian portrait would have black squares as eyes
* Fixed an issue where an avian portrait didn't have eyes
  • Очень помог!
Reactions: Visc
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