We now on XenForo 2.3! Testing on the way!
DemonSD специально же дал ссылку, там есть и таблицы с уроном всех вооружений, скорострельностью , дпс и дпс на пространство корабля.
В случае с лучевым оружием отображение в конструкторе как раз дает сбой и похоже показывает дпс с учетом только одного тика луча, у термоядерного луча 6 тиков и реальный урон выше в 6 раз, то есть 3 , а не 0.5.
К тому ,что можно глянуть по ссылке добавлю,
что гравитонный луч кроет все остальные вооружения с большим отрывом, доступен рано, и к тому же как мне показалось на него не действует снижение урона даваемого щитами, возможно если это поправят луч уже не будет так выделяться.
На начальной стадии хорошо показывает себя электромагнитная катапульта из-за игнорирования щита.Ну а в остальном ракет более чем достаточно для нынешнего беззубого ии. Модуль на перенаправление целей отлично работает и позволяет не терять урон в случае овердамага по стаям мелюзги которую плодит комп.
Пушки с модификацией на оборону хорошо защищают от ракет, да еще и сбивают ракеты на максимальной дальности вооружения, по идее модификация обороны должна сильно снижать дальность, пока что не реализовано похоже.За 20% места корабля его можно сделать иммунным к ракетам хранителя Ориона или ракетных баз.
Во 2й части у всех пушек и лучей присутствовал еще и встроенный специальный эффект, разворот , урон по структуре, урон по экипажу , выжигание щитов.Пока не работает , но по описаниям , хоть что то должны будут реализовать.
[DOUBLEPOST=1460625215][/DOUBLEPOST]Точные характеристики пушек и ракет (урон, перезарядка дальность ) видны в режиме боя при наведении на ту или иную пушку.Ну и в дереве тех написано также, кажется только без перезарядки, но с обьемом и затратами молотков.В интерфейсе конечно есть куда стремиться , всю эту информацию так раскидали по разным местам зачемто.
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Reactions: Gonanda
Там куча патчей уже вроде вышла. Играет кто-нибудь? подскажите что заработало уже? Шпионаж? Модификаторы орудий?
У меня GoG-версия, работает шпионаж, независимые планеты, да много всего, почитай список изменений всех РД. Но как назло именно GoG-версия тормозит у меня безбожно, начиная с РД3 и последний патч, вышедший вчера, не изменил ситуацию.
Очень жду Stellaris! Уверен, он то, что нужно!
Шпионаж заработал, но он довольно вспомогательный, без снижения длительности операции долго делаются и шпионы часто дохнут. Но тем не менее у меня были забавные ситуации, когда например получалось из 3х вражеских планет на 2х устроить бунт, а 3ю блокировали и бомбили пираты до уничтожения цивилизации).Техи тырятся бесполезно и те, что уже открыты.
Из модификаций пушек и лучевого работает точно оборона и энергетическая ловушка (больший урон по щитам в разы).Гравитонный луч убрали. Структурный анализатор заработал. Ракеты как-то странно себя вести начали, промахиваются на ровном месте часто.Модификации ракет визуально работают у аванпостов и звездных баз, но на моих кораблях не работают.
Нейтральные планеты добавили, дают небольшие бонусы к деньгам науке или десанту , если дружить, но у них такие жирные планеты , что смысла оставлять их им нет ради тех копеек.Еще любимая фишка нейтралов попросить заселить планету в их системе, а следущим заданием попросить уничтожить чужаков в их системе которые отравляют им жизнь.Был недавно маленький патч,уже после рд3, мб в нем поправили это и кражу ошпионами уже известных технологий, не проверял.
Силикоиды плодятся и расселяются люто.
Играть более менее интересно, если ставить расу без преимуществ , а то и с минусами.
  • Мне нравится
Reactions: Gonanda
А тем временем игра вошла в стадию Раннего Доступа №5. Список изменений, правда пока на английском, ниже:

Welcome to Early Access 5!

We have an update from the game director coming later today, so we'll keep this short and let you get right into the patch notes.

Please note: While save files from previous versions should work with this build, we recommend starting fresh to fully experience the changes in this update. This is especially important when it comes to colony and empire management feedback, as there are some substantial balance changes--particularly in the early parts of the game.

Master of Orion - Patch Notes v45.3

  • Fixed combat chances so it is not affected by Civilian Ships
  • Changed retreat position to use the fleet's last Node filtered by canTravelTo
  • Added Stop camera re-focus during AI turn as an option
  • Added Timeline option to game setup to control how frequently the game is saved, including the ability to disable the Timeline
  • Pirates can now build Cruiser-class ships (Ravager)
  • Space Monsters will now roam within their star system and attack settled colonies
  • Added Victory Scenes placeholders
  • Pirate colonies now spawn near every major race, not only player controlled ones
  • 19 achievements were implemented
  • It is now possible to choose a random race and set your opponents to random in game setup
  • Easy and Extreme difficulties have been added
  • Excellence has been renamed Score to better convey the type of victory condition it is
  • Many additional technologies now require a decision
  • Custom race creation has been updated with new traits, and the point costs have been adjusted to coincide with 10 starting points, rather than the previous system's 100

Artificial Intelligence
  • Colony ships will move and colonize in the same turn now
  • Additional improvements have been made to colony management AI
  • Personality now factors into colony needs
  • AIs now use heuristics when deciding in which colony to build System Unique Research Buildings
  • Refresh Strategic Analysis before evaluating a deal, to avoid strange behaviours
  • Updated General Strategy: if a civilization is still marked as Bad Relations or Opportunity, then continue war
  • Economy Manager now handles different reserves. Each AI transaction is validated against the specific reserve
  • Exposed Threshold for Cold War Disposition
  • Added Assist, useful for escorting civilian ships (Colony Ships and Transports)
  • Added Fleet: Destination pair matching algorithm with ETA Cache
  • Improved report on AutoPlay AI
  • Considers racial tech biases when trading techs
  • Improved evaluation of Offensive Pact, will now consider warInclination trait if ally
  • Allies will be twice as likely to accept an Offensive Pact
  • AI now builds Scientific Victory buildings and buyout buildings more smartly
  • Improvements for research evaluation algorithm, will consider blackboard requests with more importance
  • Updated Investment Strategy to try to stop others from winning
  • Ship building now considers war status.
  • Invasion will now consider hostiles in their path to destination, it will request assistance and assemble a convoy in order to complete its mission
  • AI will pick the one it's angriest at and is weakest, when picking bad Relations

  • We have overhauled many race traits in the game and have introduced new traits for a number of races, including the iconic Creative and Uncreative
  • Trade Goods project is now available at the start of the game
  • Population growth has been adjusted
  • Maintenance cost removed from Colony Base
  • Colony Base no longer provides a bonus to Research, Food or Production
  • Deep Sea Cooling can no longer be built on the Swamp biome
  • Technology Victory formula modified. Now Research Score factor is 0.25 instead of 1
  • Made global balance factor RESEARCH_SCORE_FACTOR apply only to accumulated research points
  • Fixed gameplay rule, bombarding a colony will leave at least 1 population as the last possible target
  • Planet biomes have been overhauled to increase the disparity between biomes, particularly when it comes to available food
  • Reduced Silicoid growth rate further to bring it more inline with food-based growth rates
  • Updated Silicoid personality traits (primarily used by AI to determine how they interact with other races)
  • Rebalanced share charts
  • Command Points discount added to small ships
  • Research treaty cost changes
  • Toxic Processor, Gravity Generators and Planetary Radiation Shield buyout restriction removed
  • Added a global value for initial colony food supply, to avoid citizens dying in the first turn on unsustainable colonies
  • Restored Full Claiming of controlled systems, whether I have a colony in there or not to support the new Alliance system
  • Removed Food flat bonuses from colony base
  • Rebalanced Offensive Pact and Defensive Pact evaluation, considering strategic importance
  • Changed PEACE Diplomatic Status to NEUTRAL
  • Added NEUTRAL Diplomatic Status need for Non-Aggression Pact
  • Changed the way Combat Chances are shown to make them more predictable for the player
  • Changed research treaty cost
  • Production cost for Toxic Processor increased from 80PP to 160PP
  • Production cost for Gravity Generators increased from 100PP to 160 PP
  • Production cost for Planetary Radiation Shield increased from 145PP to 185 PP
  • Changed Economic victory so the condition takes into account the size of the galaxy and changes accordingly

  • Amoeba and Squid now approach within melee distance and try to stay at that distance
  • Behaviour: Orion's guardian tries to fight and Blink away to recharge his shields
  • Added special targeting options for the special modules
  • Power Boost Special for Military Outpost
  • Added Hold action
  • Basic intro transitions to avoid starting directly in abstract view
  • Fix for Weapon Ranges
  • Several UI updates to buttons and controls
  • Anti Cloaking device added
  • Added different deploy position for defenses/outpost structures and fixed opening move when the structure is an outpost
  • Rate Of Fire battle pacing revamp + AutoFire feedback improved
  • New Bomb Weapons for Space Monsters
  • Height projection lines not drawn if ship is concealed
  • Added Artemis System network, Phasing Cloak and Cloaking Device

  • When you end an audience, you are now sent back to the diplomacy screen rather than the galaxy screen
  • Reduced the rate at which the AI will offer gifts
  • Removed Colony Cessions from Deal Feedback in Trade Table, when not negotiating Cease Fire
  • Fear value now exists only if enemy is actually afraid
  • Afraid status is now set if race feels threatened
  • Unfair deals require a difference of at least 1000 credits before being evaluated as demands

User Interface
  • When clicking on a victory condition in the Path to Victory, it now flips to a new pane that displays information on what is contributing to your score for that victory type
  • Espionage risk assestment is now indicated before a mission
  • Improvements for race skills icons
  • Workers can now be moved in bulk
  • Added armor count to bombing estimation
  • Added YELLOW color for "balanced" compare bar for combat chances
  • Hide Disposition and Info if Race is defeated
  • Added subtitles to GNN
  • Fixed tooltip context on uncolonized planets
  • Added Weapon Types to weapons descriptions
  • Added Resource tooltips
  • Added feedback for bombing and fighting in Starmap
  • Breakthroughs are now Tech based and can show multiple techs when stolen / found in anomalies / traded
  • New EULA design

  • New Terran Emperor Spanish LA

  • Ambient sounds for all races added to audiences
  • Fixes on Play/Stop Ambience Music in Audience

  • New shaders and new materials for holograms.
  • New Monsters modules added (Squid, Dragon, Eel, and Amoeba)

Bug Fixes
  • Fix for LOC-264 System tags are empty in Korean localization
  • Fixed Czech not being selectable (title was overlapping the dropdown row blocking the mouse)
  • Fixed total Colonies in Score
  • Alliance Diplomatic Status being shown as Peace.
  • Fixed Very Hard difficulty not appearing in Match Setup
  • [Linux] Fixed materials for for Klackon & Alkari mentats
  • Fix for The "Ultraplanar Dimorphic Prospector is complete" has an error on it's key
  • Fixed several Blur issues
  • Fix for Clear unique buildings when a revolted colony returns to its civilization control
  • Fix for Mrrshan empress Council win fix
  • Fix for Klackon emperor council fix
  • Fixed Timeline issues
  • Fix for Long names overlap Multiplayer players amount
  • Fix for Race card changes to none on match setup
  • Fix for missing automerge action when user selects disengage in a node
  • Fix for Star Bases have no Weapons:
  1. Reduced Hull Class on all Planetary Defenses (4/5/6 -> 4)
  2. Increased Hull Size (300/450/800 -> 450/600/800)
  3. Removed several Special Systems from Planetary Defense BPs
  4. Estimated Effective Space for each Structure: 70/180/290 (After Drive, Shields, Specials and PDs)
  • Fix for severe fps drop in Ship Design screen
  • Fix for Retreat now analyzes its chances using ALSO the Shield Integrity, not just Hull Integrity
  • Fix for Capital tooltip text overlaps a button on Build at planet screen in Russian localization
  • Fix Candidates Controllers of Mrrshan, bulrathi, Darlok, Human and Terran Emperors. Tie animations on the left side weren´t working
  • Fix for Validation of share charts to read relationship in the right direction
  • Fix for Bad citizen allocation when dragging to blocked tiles
  • Fix for 4K display issues, Strategy Controls and Tactical Controls buttons scale wrong
  • Fix for Hull Capacity points do not refresh when removing weapon. Points are calculated using the previous values taking into consideration the weapon that was removed
  • fix for After using Active Specials you will retreat
  • Fix for Multiple combats on same turn by same races caused a SoftLock
  • Fix for Player is able to exploit 'Vote for' while trading with AI
  • Fixed EULAS
  • Fix to allow civilian ships to guard over nodes
  • Fix for incompatible perks.
  • Fix for Planetary stock exchange
  • Timeline/Path to victory bug fix
  • Custom Race - Lithovore trait cost
  • Fixed a crash in multiplayer after player leaves the game and is replaced by AI.
  • Fix for All passive specials except Wide Area Jammer have Cooldown and Range in these special modules tooltips.
  • Fix for Troop Transport Description Update (English and Spanish LA)
  • Fix for colonial taxes no longer depend on the presence of a building, feature was disabled.
  • Fix for After Pirate Base destruction, Pirate Raider loses control and stays at the same place and do not perform any actions.
  • If no DLC defined, dlcs are available by default
  • Fix for Admiral Victory Chances evaluation for Retreat now uses REAL hull Integrity instead of Strategy's HP.
  • Fixed AI issue when ETA is 0 when calculating Building Score
  • Fixed AI issue with System Unique buildings not being properly considered when scoring them
  • Fixes for intro cinematics when colonizing
  • Fix for softlock when abandoning a battle
  • Fix for open Borders & Alliance will not allow colonization in systems where I already am
  • Fix for hide action buttons while fleet movement
  • Fix for Empire TopBar not becoming visible after Tutorial Match
  • Fix for Scientific victory building progression. Buildings of 2nd and 3rd stages now upgrades the previous one
  • Fixed Stealthy perk having the wrong value
  • Fixed Automated Repair Unit interceptors beams 'fire' at the center of tactical battlefront after passing the half of the battlefront
  • Fixed The ships models disappear after using the Timeline
  • Fixed It is possible to spin the ship model on the Blueprint Slot Editor screen
  • Fixed Disengage button still active after fleet movement
  • Get Chances Against now doesn't throw an error if provided with only civilian ships. Just returns a "0% winning chance"
  • Prevented Retreat to same node
  • Fix options issues for 4k displays
  • Fix for Colony Ship, Space Factory, Scout, Interplanetary Security transmitter and Global DNA scanner holograms

Список изменений очень внушительный. А если ещё взять в учёт ещё и это: EA5: A message from the Devs about important changes :: Master of Orion General Discussions, становится ясно, что наконец-то разработчики начали использовать свой интеллект и править баланс как надо! Посмотрим что у них получится...
Кто знает, что даёт система разведки космоса, которую можно строить в точках перехода? Военный аванпост понятно, но что за эффект у этой фигни? Или она не работает?
что даёт система разведки космоса
Дальность сканирования космоса она даёт. Позволяет видеть дальше "тумана войны", основанного на твоём исследовании датчиков космоса. По-моему, сейчас она действительно бесполезна. Однако, если её построить в каком то "бутылочном горлышке" (в месте, лишь через которое к тебе может прилететь враг), за несколько систем до твоей области расселения, то можно засечь вражеский флот и приготовиться к обороне.
DemonSD, по-идее она полезна при ловле флотов которые носятся по твоей территории, хотя ни разу не строил.
Для предварительной идентификации вражеских сил по мне так она годиться чуть лучше чем никак. Когда летит флот ты уже не успеешь отстроиться при всём желании, разве что примерно прикинуть куда они летят и сразу туда отправить свой флот, но такое себе преимущество.
Парни подскажите ещё раз несколько моментов.
1) Зачем нужно биологическое оружие? Ну, вот те же споры смерти, или как там их. По всем характеристикам хуже бомб. Места и объёма в корабле занимают немерено. Завалил ими пиратов на астероидах и все! расы сразу обиделись. Что за бред? Ядерными бомбами значит нормально гасить, а биологическим оружием ни-ни) Да и как они могли узнать, что хрен пойми где, пиратов я кокнул спорами. Я же не против них использовал...
2) Что значит радиус действия в характеристиках бомб? Они же вроде в бою не используются.
3) Как заслать шпиона на вражескую колонию? Почему-то только свои доступны. Хотя встретил уже троих.
4) И совсем не понял как работают торговые договоры. Написано, что будут давать по 50 кредитов 10 ходов мне и сопернику. Заключил договор... +10 кредитов. Ещё один всего +3. Как оно рассчитывается? +50 это возможный максимум?
Совсем никто не играет что ли?)
DemonSD, мне нравится и игра есть лицензионная, но вот после РД 4 начались беспричинные дикие тормоза до 3 FPS и до сих пор, на РД 6 они остались. :sad:
Поэтому очень хочу играть, опробовать новые фичи, но на ТРЁХ FPS это нереально.
Ну я считаю что если хочется поиграть в космос то лучше потратить своё время на стелларис чем на это, игра очень далека от понятия "хорошая". Так что ничего удивительного что топик молчит)
Стелярис не пошаговая стратегия. И лично меня после пары раз отпустило.
Выход игры запланирован на 25 августа 2016 года.
Greetings Explorers,

Over the past six months Master of Orion has been in Early Access on Steam and it has been an incredibly valuable experience. In this crucial time we've received an unbelievable amount of feedback on the game. Player passion for Master of Orion is exactly why we incorporated the Early Access route into the development process. It's been a long road with challenges along the way, but our mission from the start was to include your voice in any decisions we made during this phase and you have helped shape this game.

Release Date
We are excited to announce that on August 25th, 2016 Master of Orion will be officially launched. At that time the Standard Edition will become available for purchase at $29.99 USD (regional pricing varies).

About the Standard Edition
The Master of Orion Standard Edition has all of the core gameplay experience, including:
10 races
Custom races
Tactical combat
Ship design
All victory conditions
The in-game content not available to players as part of the Standard Edition will be the Terran Khanate race and the Retro Fleets alternate ship models feature. However, if you enjoy the Standard Edition and would like to upgrade to the Collector's Edition later, we will be offering an upgrade option so there is no need to repurchase entire game.

Post-Release Development Plans
It is incredibly important for us to stress that Master of Orion leaving Early Access does not mean we will cease improving the game. There is still more work to be done, and we have a pretty large list of changes we're still planning to implement.

We will release an update for August 25th with some of those changes, as well as balance adjustments and fixes for issues found in Early Access 6.

Additionally, we have several post-release patches mapped out, which will be free updates to the game. The timelines on the release of each patch is still to be determined, but expect them very soon after August 25th. We'll have more details on the post-release patches as we get closer to release.

But for now we want to be upfront with you about three of the bigger features included in post-release updates, just so we don’t leave you wondering about them.

Multiplayer Custom Races
This feature is currently in development and if not available by release, it will be part of a free update post-release. It’s just as big a priority to us as it is to you. Implementing this is not as simple as just enabling custom races for multiplayer; there are balance considerations in player-versus-player that you don't have to worry as much about in a single player experience.

Minor Civilizations
This feature is currently going through a redesign. The last thing we want to do is add a major feature into the game without proper testing. That’s sometimes okay for Early Access, but it’s not acceptable after.

Mod Support
Modding is more popular and prolific than ever, and the value it adds to 4X longevity cannot be overstated. It can take you from playing a game for 40 hours before moving on to playing for over 1,000 hours and never stopping. Supporting mods is, simply put, a no-brainer.

In one of the first post-release patches we will enable modding support for YAML files. These are the files that include most of the gameplay data in Master of Orion. Some examples of things moddable will be:
Ships / Units
In the future we plan to expand that in ways that allow you to create mods that add new features, or even alter existing features. We don’t want to get too detailed about it just yet, as we need to ensure the framework can support each potential type of mod, but you can expect more details on modding functionality when we’re closer to it being enabled.

Those three features don’t even begin to scratch the surface of what we have planned for post-release patches. The backlog as it stands right now has at least 180 items that we plan to address and implement in updates, and more items are added constantly based on your feedback.

Some are simple in nature--things like UI polish, minor tweaks to functionality, and new settings. Others are as extensive as a feature redesign, or adding brand new functionality to a feature that wasn’t planned before Early Access.

Steam announcements have a limited character count, so we can’t get into heavy details on that list here, but as mentioned above you can expect more details on the initial post-release updates when we're closer to release.

In closing, thank you for your support, honesty and passion during Early Access. You kept us honest and on track and we knew you were doing it because you care deeply about Master of Orion.

Please keep sharing your feedback; the release might be approaching, but this journey is just getting started.

1) Зачем нужно биологическое оружие?
Оно не повреждает строения на планете, которую ты в дальнейшем захватишь, в отличии от обычных бомб.Но успешно сокращает ненужное население и защитный десант.Впрочем в орионе16 я ими не пользуюсь.
2) Что значит радиус действия в характеристиках бомб? Они же вроде в бою не используются.
Ничего не значит, мб уберут из описания позднее.
Теоретически возможно еще ,что все же реализуют взрыв уничтоженного корабля как тактический элемент в бою с повреждением реальным в некотором радиусе.
3) Как заслать шпиона на вражескую колонию?
шпион-стрелочки-пкм на планеут куда послать , также как и на свои.Нужно только чтобы целевая планета для первого шпиона в чужой расе была открыта тобой собственноручно, после сбора сведений появятся сведения и об остальных планетах расы и летать к каждой уже не нужно.
4) И совсем не понял как работают торговые договоры.
наверное ошибка описания , у меня также приносят раз в 5 меньше чем обещанное на этапе сделки.

Не играл особо с рд4. А тут уже и релиз скоро.
Появилась сложность последняя. Стандартной расой , а особенно без бонусов еды/производства совсем не просто для меня. Кастомной, конечно, проблем особых нет.
Вооружения и модификации все подряд не проверял ,но похоже ,что работает уже все как должно. Вариантов для набивки кораблей масса.Но битвы превратились совсем в свалку к сожалению.
  • Очень помог!
Reactions: DemonSD
Игра официально покинула ранний доступ и вышла релизная версия Master of Orion.
Возможно не к месту, но расскажу, что со мной произошло во время игры. Основную проблему для меня представили терраны и булрати. Булрати разбомбили 2 моих разведчика и фабрику, при этом ничего не сказали в ответ на это (благо колониальный и флот не уничтожили). Терраны вообще больные, точнее их лидер. Ладно я там пересек их территорию, но не видел их аванпоста там, где никого нет. Этот Хан сел рядом с одной из моих колоний и потребовал компенсацию за то, что я якобы пересек их территорию. У меня была в этот момент одна мысль "Друг, ты наркоман?!" Подумываю отравить туда шпиона и устроить диверсию.
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Reactions: Gonanda
Вышел патч 49.3!
Master of Orion - Patch Notes v49.3

  • Added the option to rename a star system when colonizing first or when no other races have colonies in it
  • The first version of the Master of Orion Game Manual has been released in English. It can be accessed through your game library, or on the Master of Orion store page. Additional language support will be released at a later time.
  • Enabled extended empire heuristic with colonization information for better colonization decisions
  • Disabled over-conservative hostiles prediction of pirates in colonization rule so AIs don't stop colonizing for fear of non-existent pirates
  • AI will now better consider pirate settlements on all neighboring systems
  • Improved predicted hostiles firepower estimation in order to properly handle space pirates
  • AIs can now engage neutral fleets inside their empires (defensive engage)
  • Improved AIs defensive build-up and defensive war strategies
  • Improved estimation of hostiles presence by properly measuring incoming fleet ETAs
  • Improved pirates fleets spawning
  • Diplomacy: "Reminder/Support/Honor" events are now shown during Audiences
Ship Design
  • Improved auto-update logic to avoid generating more weapon slots than the ones defined by hull
  • Autocast for Specials is now off by default when taking control. It turns on automatically when choosing
  • Cinematic camera and reverts to its last setting when re-taking control
  • Updated intros
  • Added new tooltip to colony widget
  • Added Colony Events icons to tooltips
  • Added color coding to Research, Production, Credits, and Food strings
  • Mouse Cursor is no hidden during the intro movies
  • The "Confirm" button in the Briefing screen now launches the simulated battle
  • Diplomacy: Added double-click support to race's thumbnails. Double-clicking on them now launch an audience with that race
  • Espionage:
  1. Added double-click support to espionage missions selection
  2. Inverted the order of parameters for sabotage report
  • Research: Added double-click support to nodes in the Techtree and Research Management screens
  • Strategy: New animation effect when splitting a fleet
  • Save Game: Extra info added to the save games including Big Bang Seed
  • Tooltips:
  1. Revamped tooltips texts to improve readability
  2. Updated Colony Widget Tooltip style
  3. Added more icons for tooltips
  • Several framerate optimizations
  • Fix for lag spike when zooming
  • The tech tree should now load faster the first time it is opened
  • Tactical: Optimized ships textures
  • Revamped stars' visuals to improve clarity

Отдельный список (ОГРОМНЕЙШИЙ) исправленных багов! Это что-то замечательное!!!
  • Fix for the Audience screen getting blurred if ESC is pressed with an open dropdown menu (Colony session, trade tech, etc)
  • Fix for Population has shrunk pop-up appears some times before a pirate attacks a colony. Removed pop-up when population decreases because of bombardment
  • Fix for Clicking on 'Show Only Flagged' checkbox quickly multiple times causes a framedrop
  • Fix for Disable Camera Focus settings does not work with all events
  • Fix for Gravity Generators are not built by AutoBuild
  • Fix for Planet Resources button doesn't work
  • Fix for Options on the main menu fail to appear when the player launches the game
  • Fix for Total Research points are set to 1 when starting Pre-warp match
  • Fix for Black-hole generator does not work properly
  • Fix for Molecular Manipulation shouldn't be highlighted if Production filter was selected
  • Fix for Advisor voiceover can be interrupted by GNN
  • Fix for Player cannot cancel Marines deployment. 'Abort' button doesn't work properly
  • Fix for Subtitles options not being saved
  • [Achievements] Fix for achievements of a specific race being triggered with custom races
  • [AI] Fix for engaging rules processing leading to 1 turn lag after a war declaration
  • [AI] Fix for a case in which an AI asked for help in a war but was not offering anything in return
  • [AI] Fix for Space Monsters will now attack colonies with planetary defenses
  • [AI] Fix for Pirates will now attack in place before attempting to move
  • [AI] Fix for The AI doesn't accept its own conditions
  • [AI] Fix for AI uses bio-bombs in illogical ways
  • [AI] Fix for AI declines free offer after Demand
  • [Briefing] Fix for Destroy Planet will now only be available on planets
  • [Briefing] Fix for Briefing screen does not close automatically when the turn timer runs out
  • [Briefing] Fix for an issue blocking the game during colony bombardment under some circumstances
  • [Cinematics] Fix for Players should be notified when losing due to revolt in the last remaining colony. Added an alternative line in the cut-scene to explain it
  • [Controls] Fix for using custom races with Logitech Keyboards, and stability improvements
  • [Controls] Fix for Logitech Orion Spark G910 keyboard and others don't illuminate with color relevant to Custom Race
  • [Controls] Fix for Cannot assign hotkeys for Attack and Move in tactical battle
  • [Diplomacy] Fix for repeal deals pop-up format during an audience
  • [Diplomacy] Fix for Player is able to trade away colonies in systems with a monster in them
  • [Diplomacy] Fix for Audience animations reset after making a deal with a third race
  • [Diplomacy] Fix for Treaties description are unavailable if the treaties themselves are
  • [Diplomacy] Fix for Another race's colonies shown as zero on Diplomacy screen while Audience screen shows it correctly
  • [Diplomacy][UX] Fix for Truce status being cut-off in emperor speech window during an audience
  • [DLC] Do not allow players without Terran DLC to join a multiplayer game as customized Terran
  • [DLC] Fix for Selecting Quick Match has a small chance of starting with Terrans even if the DLC is not present
  • [DLC] Fix for 'Connection to the game has failed' is not a clear message for a non-DLC player trying to join a loaded match in the Terran spot
  • [DLC] Fix for Non-DLC players are able to load saved games with Terrans as custom race
  • [Espionage] Stopped new spy recruited notification appearing if the spy had been sent somewhere else
  • [Espionage] Fix for Some report messages have the wrong description
  • [Espionage] Fix for Report destroyed building on successful sabotage
  • [Espionage] Fix for Selected agent orders don't always show when clicking New Spy notification
  • [Espionage][Notifications] Fix for icons for espionage notifications
  • [GNN] Several minor fixes
  • [GNN] Headline doesn't crawl resulting in text being cut-off
  • [Localization] Fix for Some buttons don't get translated when changing localization without relaunching the game
  • [Localization] Fix for Saved games menu date and time displayed are only displayed in US format
  • [Localization] Fix for Missing localization for the message appearing when attempting to load a game and there are no saves
  • [Localization] Fix for Some GNN lines are spoken in Russian though the game is set to English
  • [Localization] Fix for Civil Transport label doesn't fit in multiple localizations in the Fleet widget
  • [Localization] Fix for Truce status is truncated in Relations section in Diplomacy
  • [Localization][EN] Fix for English text in ship explosion notification
  • [Localization][LA] Localization Backend and Fronted. Changed Declaración de Guerra Conjunta to Declarar Guerra a...
  • [Localization][LA] Fix for GoG EULA is cropped
  • [Localization][LA] Fix for Inconsistent capitalization in gameplay and control settings
  • [Localization][RU] Added missing audio files for the Silicoid Emperor
  • [Localization][RU] Several audio fixes
  • [Localization][Fleet Management] Fix for Integrated black hole icon for fleet management
  • [Localization][Colony Structure][EN] Fix for Star Base Description
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for a crash while loading a multiplayer game with custom races
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for a crash occurring on host migration when only 1 player remains in a multiplayer game or host disconnection occurs
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for 'Player disconnected' notification can be brought from a previous game
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for 'Waiting for players' message appears when last client eliminate the host in multiplayer
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for If several players attack Orion simultaneously, one of them will not receive message about obtaining (or not) Orion's modules
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for Game finishes to respond for all players upon opening chat window while someone is spamming messages
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for 'New technology discovered' notification appears every turn if turn ends via timer and the player hasn't selected any technology to research
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for 'What would make this work?/What do you want for this?/What would you offer for this?' options don't appear during an Audience when a multiplayer match becomes a single player one
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for Max player count not working when creating a multiplayer match if a number other than the maximum is selected
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for A player is able to load into a multiplayer game as a destroyed race via a saved game
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for It is possible to pick the same 8 races in multiplayer
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for Endless processing turn occurred in multiplayer game on 243 turn
  • [Multiplayer] Fix for Chat doesn't work after finishing a multiplayer skirmish and creating a new lobby
  • [Notifications] Fix for The warning about repulsive actions does not appear when using biological bombs
  • [Path to Victory] Fix for Different total score shown on the front and back of the card
  • [Strategy] Fix for Fleet Icon for the Colony Ship in zoomed out view
  • [Strategy] Fix for a glitch caused by framerate optimization
  • [Strategy] Fixed blur effect for Star System's widgets
  • [Strategy] Fix for Ship makes its path avoiding military outposts though it shouldn't know they exists
  • [Strategy] Fix for Sometimes the fleet's pathfinding uses information not known to the player
  • [Strategy] Fix for A system's name can overlap fleets
  • [Strategy] Fix for Fleet icons don't update correctly when a settlement is created or destroyed
  • [Strategy] Fix for The fleet widget now supports over 26 fleets in the same node
  • [Strategy] Fix for Planet and fleet tags sometimes linger
  • [Strategy] Fix for Ordering a ship to 'Block' orders the whole fleet to do it. Now a single ship can be ordered to block/guard
  • [Strategy] Fix for Skip now can be applied to a single ship
  • [Strategy] Fix for Structures built with the space factory can't be selected or scrapped
  • [Strategy] Fix for Disabled skip if the fleet doesn’t have pending orders
  • [Strategy] Fix for Fighter Bays are not considered weapons
  • [Strategy] Fix for Tutorial does not work properly after starting a new game
  • [Strategy] Fix for A scout destroyed an AI ship
  • [Save Games] Small fix in the Galactic Council in order for old save games to display correct information
  • [Save Games] Fix for The tutorial allows only one save and it cannot be overwritten
  • [Save Games] Fix for The 'All victory conditions are disabled' warning should not appear in a save file's description if the match is not over
  • [Ship Design] Fix for Augmented Engines add Beam Defense to Combat Stats though there is no info about it in description
  • [Ship Design] Fix for There is no missiles HP information though there is information about different anti-missiles weapon
  • [Ship Design] Fix for Modules only swap slots if the line is full
  • [Ship Design] Fix for Blueprint order switches from Frigate->Destroyer to Destroyer->Frigate when starting a new game as Mrrshan or Terran on Pre-Warp
  • [Ship Design] Fix for Changing a blueprint theme and pressing cancel saves the changes
  • [Ship Design] Fix for Doomstar has an extra hidden 9th weapon slot
  • [Ship Design] Fix for Too many clicks required to to load a weapon in Ship Design
  • [Tactical] Fix for the pause overlay
  • [Tactical] Fix for the integrity bar being drawn when it shouldn't
  • [Tactical] Fix for health bars appearing only on the first battle
  • [Tactical] Fix for HER-9265: Activating Augmented Engines while a ship is on the lowest Match Speed makes the ship start to move even though the scroll bar does not change
  • [Tactical] Fix for Colony Ship at x8 speed movement looks in Tactical
  • [Tactical] Fix for Enemies ships know where cloaked ships are located but they don't attack them
  • [Tactical] Fix for Ships can teleport to occupied space
  • [Tactical] Fix for Engage bar glitches
  • [Tactical] Fix for The military outposts are misplaced in the tactical field
  • [Tactical] Fix for Massive fleet are placed asymmetrically at the very start of some tactical battles
  • [Tactical] Fix for After a simulated combat, the enemy hull points don't show as zero
  • [Tactical] Fix for It's possible to attack a ship that goes out of weapon's range. Beams that go out of range now get cut-off
  • [Tactical] Fix for Armor penetration damage shows incorrect damage feedback
  • [Tactical] Fix for Missiles almost triple the max allowed travel distance. Also fixes outposts with weapons range extender missiles that couldn't reach their target
  • [Tactical] Fix for The game sometimes crashes after a tactical battle with too many ships engaged
    {Bugfix][Tactical] Fix for Mirv modifier doesn't work upon attacking orbital defense structures
  • [Tactical] Fix for 'Start Camera Mode' option does not work
  • [Tactical] Fix for Space Factory does not have an outline when selected
  • [Tactical] Fix for 'Beam accuracy' and 'PD accuracy' ships formation bonuses don’t work in Tactical Battle
  • [Tactical] Fix for There is no explanation why certain formations are blocked
  • [Tactical] Fix for Damage that was dealt using Stellar Converter won't be displayed on battle results screen
  • [Tactical] Fix for Disabled formations should not be selectable
  • [Tooltips] Fix for Hardcoded English text in Special Resources tooltip in Planet Info
  • [Tooltips] Fix for Disposition tooltip says 'you have fleets in their planets' even if the player hasn't
  • [Tooltips] Fix for The 'on strike' and non-assimilated population's tooltips show incorrect information in Colony Management
  • [Tooltips] Fix for Added reasons to tooltips for disabled buttons in fleet actions widget
  • [Tooltips] Fix for Tooltips for some structures do not appear upon clicking them on Manage Structures screen
  • [Tooltips] Fix for The tooltip of discovered planets shows as Unexplored
  • [Tobii] Fix for The fleet widget disappears when selecting a ship
  • [Tutorial] Fix for softlock when moving scout to home system again in turn 4
  • [Tutorial] Fix for Research bar does not fill-up when passing turns
  • [Tutorial] Fix for Visiting a colony in turn 5 while frigate is moving on the warp-point make UI unresponsive
  • [Tutorial] Fix for After playing the Tutorial, the Advisor tips are disabled in new games
  • [Tutorial] Fix for Several Fixes in Tactical Tutorial
  • [Tutorial] Fix for Softlock on turn 4 after Advisor message about starvation if a colonists is moved from food production in the previous turn
  • [Tutorial] Fix for Not every Advisor tip has V.O. line
  • [Tutorial] Fix for Tutorial can't be completed if frigate is put to guard/sleep on turn 5
  • [Tutorial] Fix for Opening Options during the Path to Victory step causes a softlock
  • [Tutorial] Fix for Fix for softlock when selecting scout instead of frigate
  • [UX] Fix for incorrect 'Radiation' icon
  • [UX] Fix for modules background and interlines
  • [UX] Fix for using Double-Click in the Techtree
  • [UX] Added icon for Advanced Damage Control
  • [UX] Added icon for Asteroid Lab
  • [UX] Centered Loading Text
  • [UX] Expanded perks tooltips container
  • [UX] Fix for Loading screen closes without 'Press any key...'
  • [UX] Fix for the resized 252 tooltip icons
  • [UX] Fix for Several perks descriptions corrections
  • [UX] Fix for Research Management and Diplomacy 'Done' buttons get disabled if clicked when the screen is being closed
  • [UX] Fix for fleet flags after node reorder
  • [UX] Fix for Capitol appears when sorting colony buildings by Credit bonus even when it does not produce them
  • [UX] Fix for Certain techs characteristics are not centered by height
  • [UX] Fix for Some missing icons in some tech applications
  • [UX] Fix for Some modules stat icons are missing in Ship Design
  • [UX] Fix for Player perks keep showing on multiplayer match setup when they leave
  • [UX] Fix for Info about planets overlap each other on Empire Management screen
  • [UX] Fix for Location/Destination sorting does not work properly on Espionage screen
  • [UX] Fix for HER-11798 There is overflowing text on 'Don't colonize close to us' audience screen
  • [UX] Fix for the icon in the buttons inside Repeal Treaties
  • [UX] Fix for Export visual effect when production canceled
  • [UX] Fix for the Next Turn hotkey in the very first turn
  • [UX] Drop down menus can't be opened if left open when leaving a screen
  • [UX] Fix for Disable attack button after aborting bombard
  • [UX] Fix for Fleet military power is incorrectly displayed in the Fleet screen
  • [UX] Fix for Remaining turns to complete a structure is inconsistent
  • [UX] Fix for Colony list goes to the top each time buyout is selected in the Empire Management screen
  • [UX] Fix for Upgrade all button doesn't grey out after clicking it
  • [UX] Fix for Pollution Clean-Up and Trade Goods have ETA=1 if they are in the production queue
  • [UX] Fix for Orange outline remains on technologies in tech tree upon quitting to the main menu and starting a new skirmish
  • [UX] Fix for Unable to attack texts does not fit the Pop-up container
  • [UX][Colony Management] Fix for Planet pollution changes if workers are moved from or to Production
  • [UX][Colony Management] Fix for Only allow planet grabbing if mouse is hovering on the planet itself
  • [Victory Chances] Improved algorithm for simulation fallback
  • [Path to Victory] Research score now ignores the starting Techs at the root of the Tech Tree
  • [Combat Chances] Fix for: Weapon range is not properly being taken into account in the calculation of the combat chances
  • [WG.net]Fix for 'Copy' and 'Ok' button are unactive in WG.net account menu while pressing 'Get a redeem code for Total Annihilation'
  • [WG.net]Fix for: Players are unable to input credentials for creating new WG.net account, if they start a new game and then leave it
  • [UX]Fix for: Main menu disappears if Player quickly cancels Default Save Rewriting confirmation window
  • [UX]Fix for: Clicking the Back button in the Load Game screen makes the UI disappear
  • [Localization]Fix for: There is hardcoded text in widget colony tooltip on all localizations except English
  • [Combat Chances]Fix for: Player is not able to attack pirate fleet. (caused by BluePrints with ONLY shield piercing weapons)
  • [Strategy]Fix for: Tutorial flow broken at turn 5 after ordering first scout autoexplore
  • [Localization][Espionage]Fix for: Colony and structure mixed up in Sabotage notification
  • [WG.net] Fix for: Account regions not displayed in Korean and Japanese
Из тизера так и не понял это новые расы добавятся или какая-то кампания?
Master of Orion: появятся ли у Ориона новые хозяева?
WG Labs и NGD Studios добавляют новые расы в игру

Битва за Орион станет еще более ожесточенной. С 1 декабря DLC «Месть Антареса» откроет доступ к независимым цивилизациям предложит новые пути к победе. В игру вступают новые расы – Триларианцы, Гноламы и Элерианцы – грозные пришельцы, которые откроют нам способы доминирования в галактике.

Мы рады представить новый контент для Master of Orion ", сказал Кирилл Стадник, продюсер WG Labs. "Игроки окунутся в новую среду, полную захватывающих вызовов, приключений, исследований, новых врагов, с которыми им предстоит столкнуться, и новыми альянсами, которые можно заключить. Этот DLC будет фантастическим дополнением к игровой вселенной ".

Три новые рассы (Триларианцы, Гноламы и Элерианцы) можно приобрести в одном новом игровом наборе. С добавлением этих игровых рас, у вас появятся новые возможности и уникальные способы подчинить себе галактику.

Разработчики также улучшили геймплей. Все игроки Master of Orion получат новые возможности, такие как вербовка новых лидеров, взаимодействие с независимыми цивилизациями и эпичные сражения против четвертой расы, Антаранцев, которой будет управлять искусственный интеллект.

Ну и кто же эти новички галактики и что они хотят от Ориона?

Триларианцы – это благородная и мирная раса. Благодаря долгой истории и большой продолжительности жизни они осознали тщетность войн. Тем не менее, внутреннее благородство не позволит им безвольно сдаться перед лицом угрозы. Они ненавидят войны, но будут отважно сражаться за то, во что верят.

Гноламы — удачливая раса торговцев, благоденствующая в богатстве и роскоши. У них будто выработан иммунитет к несчастьям, и их преследует удача буквально во всём. Основные усилия они направляют на поиски сокровищ и приумножение своего богатства.

Элерианцы — красивая раса, придающая особое значение чистоте и непорочности. Элерианцы боятся порочного влияния чужеземцев на их «чистую» культуру и стремятся избегать новых веяний, придерживаясь традиционного образа жизни. Они отвергают современность и новизну (особенно науку).

Антаранцы изначально были генетически сконструированной расой, созданной неизвестными мастерам. Со временем они разработали жесткую, но эффективную военную диктатуру.

Вперед, исследователи! Вам выбирать: покорять ли новые миры, формировать альянсы, или просто уничтожать все на своем пути.

DLC доступно по цене 249 рублей в Steam и GoG.com

Для более подробной информации:
  • Мне нравится
Reactions: Gonanda
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  • Очень помог!
Reactions: Gonanda
Кто играет, модельки кораблей на глобальной карте стали меняться, при изменении их в конструкторе?
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