Список изменений BETA 0.6:
* Added Re-visitable Objects mod (thanks Chirno, Joker, Fastmancz and Urz for testing)
* Basic parsing of .gm1 save files, used for Re-visitable objects
* Added Rust Dragon to conversion tables, fixes Dawn of War
* Fixed creatures bug in event object AB/SoD->RoE conversion, fixes Gelea's Champions (thanks JakeMunsie for bug report)
* Fixed conversion regression crash (thanks 000 for bug report)
I would like to thank all the members of the community who have contributed to the development of this project so far:
000, Above The Clouds, Avroveks, Chirno, Daninja, DataPack, Evilnapkin, Hightower, Fastmancz, JakeMunsie, Merkuri, Mert, NecroSando, Heisenberg, primeval1, simonizer and Urz.
Additionally I would also like to thank everyone who has shown support for the project. What Ubisoft will or won't do aside, the community is powerful. This project is still just
a beta and the tip of the iceberg of what is possible. Remember: it's all just ones and zeroes.
Video demonstration coming soon. For now here are instructions on how to use Re-visitable Objects feature:
1. Start HoMM HD, be at main menu.
2. Start h3mtool.exe, leave Re-visitable Objects checkbox checked and click Apply button (screenshot:
3. In HoMM HD, start new game or load saved game (map has to exist on disk)
4. Go to any object with a hero, for example a Windmill, Subterranean Gate or Monolith Two Way, and press space bar to re-visit it