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May 20, 2014
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Здесь будет размещена таблица рас и классов в игре, а также таблица заклинаний.

AttributesHumanLizardmanInsectoidMinotaurRatlingAbility descriptions
Strength+0.5 min and +1 max melee/thrown damage, +3kg max load
Dexterity2 accuracy, +1 evasion, +0.5min damage and +1max damage for missile weapons, +2 resistance from fire and shock
Vitality+5 HP, +2 additional resistance from poison and cold, lowers recovery time from some status effects, ?increases HP gained per level
Willpower+5 Energy, ?increases Energy gained per level
Resist FireReduces the damage you take from fire, steam and heat based attacks. High Dexterity grants bonuses to your fire resistance.
Resist ColdReduces the damage you take from icy cold attacks. High Vitality grants bonuses to cold resistance.
Resist PoisonReduces the damage you take from poisonous attacks. High Vitality grants bonuses to your posion resistance.
Resist ShockReduces the damage you take from lightning and electrical attacks. High Dexterity grants bonsus to your shock resistance.
ProtectionDecreases the physical damage of attacks against you.
EvasionChance of avoiding a physical attack. Evasion is determined by Dexterity and equipped items.
DamagePhysical damage you deal. Based on attributes, skills and equipped weapons.
AccuracyHigher Accuracy increases your chance of hitting a target. Accuracy is determined by your Dexterity, skills and equipped weapon.
CriticalPercentile chance of scoring a critical hit with a weapon.
Max LoadMaximum weight you can carry (in kg). If Burdened (yellow), the party's movement speed is reduced. Overloaded (red) immobilizes the party.
AbilityGain experience points 10% fasterResist All +25%Hard shell (-50% chance of getting a body part injured)Food consumption +25% fasterMax load +15kg, immune to effects of diseases
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Примечание: Выбор расы влияет только на стартовые атрибуты. Расовые бонусы, traits и портреты персонажей можно выбрать после выбора расы.

Примечание №2: В связи с вышедшим патчем за версией 2.1.10 бета от 17.10.2014, теперь увеличение параметра Strength увеличивает Fire resistance, Dexterity увеличивает сопротивление Shock, Vitality увеличивает сопротивление Posion и Willpower увеличивает сопротивление Cold. Также, в патче увеличена зависимость регенерации Health от Vitality и Energy, от Willpower.
Таблица заклинаний. Будет обновляться и\или дополняться.

Shield (Concentration 1)Spirituality, Balance, Physicality sign
Create a magical shield around you. The shield protects from physical damage by increasing your Protection by 25. Each point in concentration skill increase its duration by 10 seconds.
Forcefield (Concentration 2)Fire to Air to Water to Earth to Fire sign
Create a magical barrier that blocks all movement. Every point in concentration increase spells duration by 2 seconds.
Light (Concentration 2)Balance, Life sign
Conjure a dancing ball of light that illuminates your path.
Darkness (Concentration 2)Balance, Death sign
Negate all magical and non-magical light sources carried by your party.
Darkbolt (Concentration 3)Death, Balance, Spirituality sign
Shoots a ray that engulfs the target in magical darkness.
Fireburst (Fire Magic 1)Fire sign
Conjure a blast of fire that deals fire damage to all foes directly in front of you.
Fireball (Fire Magic 3)(Air Magic 1)Fire to Air, Physicality sign
A flaming ball of fire shoots from your fingertips causing devastating damage to your foes.
Meteor Storm (Fire Magic 5)(Air Magic 3)Fire, Spirituality to Physicality, Air sign
Unleashes a devastating storm of meteors on your foes.
Shock (Air Magic 1)Air sign
Conjure a blast of electricity that deals shock damage to all foes directly in front of you.
Invisibility (Air Magic 3)(Concentration 2)Air, Physicality, Balance, Death sign
Turns you and your friends invisible.
Lightning Bolt (Air Magic 4)Air, Life, Balance, Spirituality sign
You channel the power of storms through your hands.
Poison Cloud (Earth Magic 1)Earth sign
Summons a toxic cloud of poison that deals damage over time.
Poison Dart (Earth Magic 2)Earth to Water to Air sign
A sizzling venomous bolt of poison shoots from your hand.
Ice Shards (Water Magic 1)(Earth Magic 1)Earth to Water sign
Deathly sharps spikes of ice thrust from the ground hitting your opponent in a line. Every point in water magic increases the spell's range by one.
Dispel (Water Magic 1)(Concentration 1)Fire to Air, Physicality to Spirituality, Earth to Water sign
Shoots a ray that damage elementals.
Frostbolt (Water Magic 3)(Air Magic 1)Water to Air sign
You hurl a bolt of ice death dealing ranged damage and freezing your opponents. Every point in Water Magic increases the probability and duration of the freezing effect.
Fire Shield (Fire Magic 3)(Concentration 3)Fire to Balance and back to Fire sign
Creates a magical shield reducing fire damage against the party.
Shock Shield (Air Magic 3)(Concentration 3)Air to Balance and back to Air sign
Creates a magical shield reducing shock damage against the party.
Poison Shield (Earth Magic 3)(Concentration 3)Earth to Balance and back to Earth Air sign
Creates a magical shield reducing poison damage against the party.
Frost Shield (Water Magic 3)(Concentration 3)Water to Balance and back to Water sign
Creates a magical shield reducing cold damage against the party.
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Reactions: ingverd
Возможно стоит ещё добавить сколько оно маны всё кушает отдельным столбцом? или это как-то динамически меняется? из тех что я могу накастовать:
Fireburst - 25 маны
Darkness - 25
Darkbolt - 25
Shock - 25
Poison Cloud - 27
Poison Dart - 32
Shield - 35
Light - 35
Forcefield - 35
Frostbolt - 37
Dispel - 42
Fireball - 43
Frost Shield - 50
Fire Shield - 50
Shock Shield - 50
Meteor Storm - 80

Алхимию добавлять будешь?
Last edited:
Конечно можно, но не мана, а в этой игре энергия. Добавлю. :smile:
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